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Sunday, June 05, 2016

Veteran Shows Flag Burning Liberal How Far He'll Go To Defend Our Flag


  1. Citizens wake up. This IS acceptable behavior. Good for him and good for the U.S.

  2. good ,i would have dropoed kicked that millinial liberal.

  3. If they hate it here so much get the hell out.

  4. Good job! Great counter demonstration of free speech and expression!

  5. Glad that the veteran put that p.o.s. in his place.

  6. Put a parachute on him and drop the SOB in Syria.

  7. Love this! Clearly should see this more often. Yes - you are free to burn the flag, but if you want to burn the flag then get the hell out of the country you POS.

  8. Now he'll get sued...seems everyone does that nowadays!

  9. That flag does not stand for the right to assault someone for having an offensive opinion. The veteran was wrong to attack the one that he found doing an offensive act. That flag stands for freedom of speech, and the freedom to offend. That veteran defiled that flag as much as the protester did. And should be held accountable.....

  10. Both men were expressing their freedom of speech. You have freedom of speech but you also have to take responsibility for what you say.

  11. 11:57 I am a Veteran and you can kiss my ass! How bout I come to your house and burn your Hillary sign.

  12. Rule no 1, don't screw with old men. You don't know what we'll do next, check the bus vid with the old man beating the younger man bloody who wouldn't leave him alone.

  13. 11:57.....he was probably thinking of the friends he saw lose arms, legs, testicles, or bleed out in the jungle.
    When he saw some little punk like that, who has never sacrificed ANYTHING, but who thinks people like the old guy should GIVE him a house, a phone, free medical care and a free 6 year college education, well, he did what any person who has WORKED for what they have would have done --- kicked his sissy ace up and down the plaza.
    He should have broken a few fingers so the next time he lit a match he'd have a good memory of what NOT to set on fire.
    I'm cheering like crazy for the American in the photo (it ain't the scraggly, dirty, unkempt, disrespectful loser of a wanna-be socialist, either).

  14. 12:57 PM: You might be a veteran, but you served for the wrong reason if you weren't defending what that flag stands for. I too am a veteran. And I do understand what I was defending and standing up for in service to my country and the flag that represents it. I feel very strongly about this, and the so-called veteran in the picture attacking another citizen openly expressing his point of view, does a dis-service for all of us that defended this young man's right to his opinion, no matter how flawed his thinking is. No one should have to fear being assaulted by a "veteran" or anyone else for expressing his point of view. What that veteran did was a very un-American thing to do. Those that support assaulting people for openly expressing their opinions are the socialists, not me.

  15. That old man is senile. He has forgotten what he fought and served for. He fought and served for that young man's freedom and right to express his opinion without fear of retribution, and certainly the right to protest without fear of assault. That old man is no patriot and is worse than the protester. He has no belief in the flag or what it stands for. Or maybe he's just forgotten...

  16. Unreal!!! Poor vet will be tried and prosecuted while the liberal roams free to think he and his 1% liberal nation have done something for their cause. POS liberals are ruining this country. BLAH BLAH BLAH! Im so sick of Politically correctness and the queers, Lesbians, anti- christians, transgenders etc. Take a look around....."Yah Ain't Normal and Yah Ain't Correct"!! And youre damn sure not the MAJORITY! Yep! I used "ain't"! Ain't it great? Kudos to the Vet and may the liberal get what he asks for every time he pulls crap like this!!!


  17. There is a price to pay for free speech,goes both ways.

  18. Dave T: Great job !

  19. Where did this happen? Would love to hear the details.

  20. Things just aren't what they seem here. That young man should never have struck the vet's fist with his face.

  21. All of this unsettling Nationalism is coming wrapped up in a Fascist blanket...

    Remember, a piece of cloth is NOT why America is great, it is our liberty and freedom that makes it great..do not allow those who have died for it to be disgraced by a false ideal of Nationalism and Flag Worship.

  22. It's gotten to the point if people, citizens or not, don't like and respect our country, its Constitution, and its symbols of patriotism, then they should be deported to their country of choice, outside the USA, that is.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    good ,i would have dropoed kicked that millinial liberal.

    June 2, 2016 at 9:15 AM


  24. When the nylon flag catches on fire quickly take it from them and wrap them in it while it is burning.

    They will love it when the Emergency Room has to peel that nylon out of their burning flesh.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Rule no 1, don't screw with old men. You don't know what we'll do next, check the bus vid with the old man beating the younger man bloody who wouldn't leave him alone.

    June 2, 2016 at 1:10 PM


  26. Anonymous said...
    All of this unsettling Nationalism is coming wrapped up in a Fascist blanket...

    Remember, a piece of cloth is NOT why America is great, it is our liberty and freedom that makes it great..do not allow those who have died for it to be disgraced by a false ideal of Nationalism and Flag Worship.

    June 3, 2016 at 6:58 AM

    It's not just a piece of cloth. If you Obamabots don't appreciate the Flag and what it stands for or the Constitution then you are going to be in big trouble if Trump gets this election stolen from him. If you don't believe me just stand by and wait.

  27. What the Hell is wrong here. Most city's have open burning laws. Charge these clown with arson or an open buring citation. Quit being punks.

  28. @10:28

    Sorry, but your knee jerk assumption is wrong. I am a conservative registered republican that never voted for Obama.

    Also, you certainly sound like you don't care for liberty or freedom, and your reaction is that of a fascist, and doesn't sound very "American" at all, or of someone who defends freedom or liberty. Which is the VERY reason that Nationalism is so dangerous.

    Freedom and liberty are the ONLY things that have importance and value, nothing else. Once you pervert these ideals by attaching them to items like the flag, they can then be used as weapons to subvert these ideals. I submit to you as evidence the discourse in this conversation as evidence.

    Sure, the flag can represent these ideas, but once it becomes a "holy relic" if you will, then it becomes a weapon.

    Freedom and liberty come with a price, and sometime that price is we have to endure idiots that want to burn flags. It is their right to do so.

    Attacking these morons and claiming that they should get out of the country, or sending threats is what happens in countries WITHOUT our protected freedoms, Islamic and Fascist nations. That is not us, and is NOT American.

    Men died protecting liberty and freedom of all of us, which includes acts you may find distasteful. To try to inhibit this negates their sacrifice. I implore you to stop.

  29. It's a commin folks , the battle between right and wrong , the idiot that burned my flag should be put in prison for treason. The prison guys would love his sweet white legs.

  30. You Litards amaze me. No that Flag represents exactly who we are. To burn our flag is an act of war. Americans should never BURN the flag protest and freedom of speech have absolutely nothing with burning of the American flag. As for the poster claiming to be a veteran and supporting the burning of the flag are either lying or were in the Coast Guard.

    Also why do these flag burners stink. Are they too lazy to use soap and water. I can also assure you by the looks of this one he did not have a job. Enough said

  31. The punch was an expression of art.

  32. Burning the flag should be a criminal offense. Too many people have laid down their lives for the flag and all it represents. If liberals don't respect that, fine. It's their prerogative to not respect it. However, they should respect their fellow citizens as we're supposed to do living in a civilized society - and not trash what others hold dear. How would they like it if I burned their bag of weed?

    1. I agree it shuold be TREASON go to a muslim country and try that .

  33. MILLINIALS will destroy America.

  34. When society fractures, you POS that think it's okay to burn the flag will definitely be on the wrong side. Respect comes in many forms and that flag represents many lost lives and honor among many other things most true Americans hold dear. A day of reckoning is coming.

  35. Yes we fight for free speech. The slime ball burning the flag should be able to express himself without burning the flag. He is a little weasel and received exactly what he deserved. The flag should be protected, if the government is too weak to protect then we should be allowed. Just my opinion.


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