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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Trump Warns of Immigration 'Trojan Horse'

Donald Trump renewed warnings about Middle Eastern refugees and other immigrants coming to America on the heels of Sunday’s terror massacre in Orlando, while claiming thousands already are in the country who – like the shooter – are “sick with hate.”

Though the gunman, Omar Mateen, was a U.S. citizen, Trump told Fox News on Monday that the U.S. is allowing others into the country who are “no different than this maniac.”

“This could be the all-time great Trojan horse,” Trump said, of those being admitted from Syria and other nations.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only amplified his warnings about immigration and the terror threat since Sunday’s massacre left 49 dead and even more wounded. At the same time, he’s aggressively criticized both President Obama and likely general election rival Hillary Clinton for not initially using the term “radical Islam” in describing the shooter’s religious background.

“She won’t even utter the words,” Trump said Monday. On Sunday, Trump had said Obama should “step down” for not using the term and Clinton should “get out of this race” if she won’t either.


  1. Wonder who else is complicite in the hostile takeover of the USA? Research it and find out where Hillary and Bill are in this will make sense.
    To be initiated into the Shrine, to become a Shriner, as part of their blood oath at the altar of initiation, the Shriner must bow down, with his hands tied behind his back, and swear an oath in the name of "Allah, the God of our Fathers!" Now, it is important to remember that the Islamic god, Allah, is in no way connected to the true God of the Bible. Allah is a pagan, Arabic deity. Allah is a false god. Allah is not the God of Judaism and Christianity; and Allah's prophet, Mohammed, was a false prophet who has led millions of people astray!
    As if that wasn't bad enough, most Shriners dont even know who they WHO they are aligning themselves with!!!

  2. Clearly a word will make them lay down their weapons, why haven't we thought of this before!


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