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Sunday, June 12, 2016

They say that most Muslims are not terrorists, but I say most terrorists are Muslims

Is Obama running out of ways to claim Islam is not involved? Explain THAT to at least 50 more Families today.


  1. Obama will not acknowledge that Islam has a violence problem and no gun control will save us.Getting democrats out of office will help.

  2. I agree with you. The first thinkg this country needs to do and admit that we made a mistake in electing the illegal Muslim from Kenya.

    Trump was right. Close the border and stop allowing the Muslims and Mexicans to infiltrate our country. They hate us and we are too stupid to care about that and in return we give them welfare, ebt, housing, etc.

    This has to stop and I don't see it happening soon so I am ready to join a Militia against our government.

  3. Trump is absolutely right. This goes without saying. It IS time the borders were closed and all the dissidents to deported back to their country of origin. Period. There's no reason to keep this PC facade up while denying an ideological war for which we are in danger. How many people have to die before Liberals get it?

  4. This Terrorist had a File with the FBI since 2013 and they allowed this to happen.

    It is high time that the U.S. Government is overthrown and Hillary and Obama locked up.

    We need to round up every Muslim, everyone with Ties to ISIS and anyone suspect and keep them locked up until this war on America is over.


  5. Calm down folks.......the people from across the line are fine. Guns do the killing.

    And when the time comes, the guns will be doing what they were manufactured for....placing food on the table and protecting the table and family from evil insects that intend on interrupting our prayer and meal.

  6. It's called aiding and abetting the enemy and this is what this Administration is doing. They are using these horrors to further their evil Twisted agenda. Democrats and this ideology must be stopped!

  7. This excuse of a president must be forced to resign if he can not say the words Muslim Extremist. We need a real president NOW.

  8. They are not extremists, they are fundamentalists.

  9. FALSE. Most american terror incidents have still been carried out by white men so NOPE


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