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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The untold horrifying tales of Hillary’s time in the White House

Hillary Clinton was a White House monster when she was First Lady.

That’s the assertion in a new book called “Crisis of Character” by Gary Byrne, which hits stores on Tuesday.

One of Hillary the Monster’s favorite targets was Vince Foster, according to Byrne, a member of the Secret Service who was stationed in the White House during the Clinton administration.

Foster was the lawyer who relocated to Washington from Arkansas after his childhood pal, Bill Clinton, was elected president.

“Word circulated that (Hillary Clinton) berated (Foster) mercilessly … I knew what it was like to be yelled at by superiors, but Mrs. Clinton never hesitated to launch a tirade,” wrote Byrne.

Byrne doesn’t know the half of it — which I’m now going to tell you.



  1. I preordered the book and it should arrive this week. Can't wait to start reading it so I can prove to people I know that plan to vote for her why THEY SHOULD NOT!

  2. Oh yes 12:05, let's PROVE some things that are in a book of fiction. Let's go right out and hammer our friends and neighbors with utter nonsense.

  3. 1:22 PM, have you read the book? I seriously doubt it. I am in the process of reading it and the author of this book has not one reason to lie about anything he has written. Hillary is a monster and always has been. Anyone that would even entertain the thought of voting for her needs to read this book. Vote Trump!!

  4. A low level agent who was never in a position to witness what he claims.

  5. this isn't the 1st time we have heard this. Stories from different staffers and countless Secret Service agents and Arkansas State Troopers have described Hillary this way for years. We've seen her blow up while being grilled. I'm confident that at least the majority of the contents of this book are acurate.


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