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Friday, June 17, 2016

The NRA Has a Message for Terrorists


  1. If obama tries to take our guns , AR15 or any others , he will have a rude awakening . The U.S. has millions of AR15 rifles owned by good citizens , the largest army in the world.

  2. You do not need a 30 round magazine and an assault weapon to defend yourself or hunt. You've had it your way now compromise.

    1. you chose yours Ill chose mine

  3. Anonymous 8:40 Go back in your hole with your head in the sand and drink your Kool-Aid.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 17, 2016 at 10:32 AM

    8:40 FYI, AR-15 Rifles and 30 round Mags been around for long time. 25 years ago teenagers could drive to school with guns in their dad's pickup truck. And there were no mnass shootings. So what has chabged? Government started bans on firearms and created Gun Free Zones. And How Is That Working Now?? Ask those living in cities like Chicago, how much they like it after their "leaders" made "comptomise".And check the stats about murders in Gun Free city of Chicago or Baltimore. When someone breaks into my home at night, I will not Compromise, but you can.

  5. No compromise, give an inch the communists (read progressives) will take a mile.

  6. @8:40 considering the second amendment was designed so that we could defend ourselves from our government, and their weapons only get bigger and stronger, don't you think ours should too? I do, and I am a PROUD owner of an AR 15 and an AK 47! Molon Labe!

  7. 8:40

    it's sheeple like you that will come running to wolves like me when the time comes.

    unfortunately for you and your ilk, you won't be welcome.

    may your chains rest lightly on you.

  8. I don't believe him or that liar kyle


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