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Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Liberal Media Agenda


  1. Exhibit 4080 of a controlled agenda

  2. That's exactly what Ivanka should ask the media in response to that question. I bet the media would stop asking her.

  3. How about the judge that is over seeing trumps univ case called for a boycott last year of TRUMPS PROPERTY ???? Why is this judge being allowed to over see trumps case.

  4. Their jelous of how pretty Trumps daughter is. Chairface is butt ugly!

  5. if the shoe fits!!!!

  6. If you look at the comparisons in their daughters, Trump's Ivanka is classier, intelligent and achieved than Clinton's Chelsea.

    Unlike Chelsea's 'given' life, Ivanka has worked her way up in Trump International. She wasn't handed everything. She probably appreciates it more. Chelsea is like her mommy. Doesn't have a grateful bone in her body.

    Also, one is an upstanding citizen while the other is prison bound because her parents threw her under the bus.

  7. Bill CLinton is not running for president...you people are brain dead.

    1. You my friend are obviously brain dead to support the filth that just ran the state department.

  8. 1206 if Hillary is putting him in charge of the economy then in essence, he is running for office, too. She's running with that meme in her speeches. That is, on those rare moments she actually talks about her 'plan' for America. Any other time she's too busy bashing Trump. Ex. her so-called foreign policy speech where she barely spoke about foreign policy but said Trump's name over fifty times in an hour.

    I find it interesting that a woman whose supposed to be independent enough to run for president, continues to defer power to men in order to fix the issues. Bill on the economy, Obama for her candidacy's lack of enthusiasm. Not much of a feminist is she?

  9. 12:03, is that why she looks like that? Because she was thrown under a bus?

  10. 1:26 No that's what Webb Hubbell and Hilliary's kid looks like. Check out a picture of WH, she's Hubbel in drag.

  11. My uncle was assigned to eagle detail while serving our country . His brother in law was with the ex first kid " Chelsea " and the few times we were all together I would ask questions because I thought they were COOL because of there jobs . The little bit they would share because of secrecy and regulations in there jobs I always was told how much of a problem she was protecting. How hard there job was . All the crap they had to do like butlers for her ... Special shopping and stopping to eat .. And how very very rude and mean she was to all the staff. It doesn't seem like much for a girl to want to shop but when your dad is the president there are a lot of steps taken to insure her safety . So needless to say say she made it all hard .


  12. The inner soul shines through in both these pictures. No need to elaborate.

  13. What is wrong with the way Webb Hubbell treats women?


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