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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Enemy


  1. I'm a veteran of two wars. Trump has my vote. Just to be sure, what's her name does not.

  2. She stolen money from the military and give to terrorist.

  3. The enemy is Democrat extremism.

  4. Another Vet here for TRUMP

  5. The enemy is her and all that she represents.

    She'll tell you that she's for this and for that, and that she's standing in your corner, but what's she's really doing is standing near your corner until you run out of blood and votes for her and only her, at which point she'll move on to another class of victims, leaving you bloodless and wondering what went wrong.

    She's sort of like a vampire, but without any of the romance.

  6. The enemy is progressive policies extreme or not!

  7. @ 8:24 The enemy being that the supposed "progressive" policies are 150 year old edicts by Marx, Engels and Trotsky, warmed over by Saul Alinsky.

    Hillary did her masters thesis on Alinsky.

    These people are the enemy of the free world. And they are winning. They have learned to rename and disguise their communist leanings like Angela Merkel. Nothing progressive about them.

  8. We need a Viet Nam vet or a PSTD Iraq Vet to get this Enemy, and save us all. They would never serve a day in Jail for saving us all, they would get parades for being a Hero!

    1. There are just such unhinged war vets out here among us.


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