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Thursday, June 30, 2016


Reprising a familiar theme from his abandoned presidential campaign, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz convened a subcommittee hearing Tuesday in which he repeatedly charged that the Obama administration is "willfully blind" to the root of terrorism in the United States.

As chairman of the Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Cruz gaveled in an afternoon hearing that included a lineup of experts who both defended the administration's anti-terrorism tactics and harshly criticized the current counterterrorism strategies. Cruz repeatedly charged the administration was engaged in "Orwellian" internal censorship for fear of offending the Islamic community.

"Does anyone notice a trend here?" asked the junior senator from Texas. "A consistent effort by this administration to scrub any reference to radical Islamic terrorism, to pretend that the threat does not exist ... the consequence of the willful blindness, of a policy that as a matter of administration policy refuses to acknowledge the threat, means over and over again this administration has allowed the threats to go forward."

"We cannot combat and defeat radical Islamic terrorism without acknowledging it exists and directing our resources to stopping it," he later added. 

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