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Monday, June 13, 2016

Subject: Obama Surge Agenda Threatening U.S. With 100 Syrian Refugees Per Day

The Obama administration has created a “resettlement surge center” which has produced a pouring of 100 Syrian refugees in the U.S. per day. The very real risk to Americans – the lack of proper vetting of these individuals by the quick processing that is being done, almost all of them reported to be Muslims.

Over 100 Syrian refugees have been admitted every day in June according to the federal government’s own database from the Refugee Processing Center. More than 1,000 were admitted in May. The rate of those admitted has sky-rocketed when compared to the 3,755 accepted in fiscal year 2016.

The Conservative Review reported these numbers, and that approximately 100-250 were admitted during the first six months of fiscal year 2016. It noted that the Associated Press reported in April that the federal government set up a “resettlement surge center” in Amman, Jordan in February. The center is now interviewing approximately 600 people a day.

The “vetting” process, already questioned by leaders in the country, has been fast-tracked from 18-24 months to just three months. The “refugee mill” can now go through thousands of applications every month.

The Center for Immigration Studies published concerns raised by the comments of Simon Henshaw, principal deputy assistant secretary of the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, when he certified that 12,000 applicants were interviewed in February, March, and April. He wrote:

"So the fact that 225 Syrian refugees were admitted into the United States in a new single-day record for Syrian refugee approvals is beside the point. What is of importance here is that 12,000 were interviewed in such a short time driven by the urgency to meet the September deadline.."

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  1. another part of the Obama legecy

  2. America is doomed!

  3. Let all the Obama voters take these refugees in their home.

  4. And who is going to suffer the most. Let's see the blacks. These refugees are going to take jobs that typically blacks take and then wages will never rise. The gays. These people from these regions don't just dislike gays, they hate them. I don't feel one bit sorry though. They wanted obama they got him now they can and deserve to suffer the consequences. Experience is the best teacher for fools.

  5. Obama's plan to force us into the NWO but Mr Trump will save us.

  6. Yes it's part of the rainbow agenda! the globalist and the New World Orders useful idiots. They are so close to achieving their goal of destroying America. We are the last Bastion of freedom.The Trojan Horse is already in the compound.This is the change that Obama promised. There is no hope for America, only further enslavement,erosion of freedoms,privacy and morals. This is all in preparation for you to accept the number of the beast on your forehead. Which, some of you will be fighting to be first in line.

  7. Don't worry about the "gay's". Ob;s primary object is to fill the country with Muslims. AND he is doing it. When they are running the country all "gay" people will be beheaded....


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