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Monday, June 13, 2016

Speaking Of Rt. 50, Check Out This Other PA Idiot

While everyone else was sitting patiently in traffic this past Saturday, a Jeep came racing down the shoulder trying to get past everyone, it was a female driver. The only thing that stopped them, (temporarily) was two people on bicycles riding the shoulder. Well, she started honking and demanding they get out of her way. Let me tell you Folks, she should be very happy I wasn't in the slow lane because I would have cut her off and forced her to sit there for an hour, if I had to. 


  1. They do not need to from PA. Plenty of these idiots right here in Salisbury. Nanticoke Road is just one area full of idiots. Speeding and driving the shoulder in areas they should not. They can not handle acceleration lanes for merging. Driving 60 in front of Pecan Square. If the police want a place to collect some money that would be a gold mine.

  2. I'm sure she just had to get to a bathroom... :-)

  3. It's a jeep. You wouldn't have forced them to do anything.

  4. LAPD - Locals Against Pennsylvania Drivers

  5. Locals are against anyone or anything, this is nothing new.

  6. She may have had a legitimate emergency (family member in hospital). Why is everyone so quick to judge?

  7. entitlement factor in full force.

  8. yea, you could cut her off, but how would you feel if you found out she was driving to the nearest turn off trying to get her kid to a hospital, or looking for a police officer or station ! just food for thought !

  9. In that case you call 911, that's what they do.
    She has a case of Jeep Privilege evidently. Not bashing the older ones, but from about 2010 up they are one of the lowest rated consumer goods on the planet and yet they set new sales records year after year. You just can't fix stupid. Throw in a PA tag and God help us all.
    Signed, not a local.


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