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Monday, June 20, 2016

SPD Press Release 6-20-16- (Shots Fired Arrest)


  1. so what's spd doing involved with this crime? he's not a shoplifter!

  2. So the cops didn't hear or see anything. Got a search warrant for a house where or where not the shots supposedly came from. then arrested a man for possession of that weapon because its in a house where he resides. Where other people also reside and can probably still have firearms rights? Where the gun fire may have been a fire cracker. Wow! I want my neighbors door kicked in and house searched. I heard a loud pop and saw a tank in his garage! I think the pop came from his house! Better get that warrant!
    In this state you can ne arrested and searched,house included because a person lies! Not because of police doing good work. But because a wanna be judge with no law schooling is a commissioner and a liar swears it's true! Bout time police actually do work and we eliminate these worthless commissioners before w lock people up and waste money on cases that will be dismissed!

  3. Public Defender will send him to jail. Private attorney will let him walk. The real issue is can he afford a real lawyer?

  4. 1:11 you are a ignorant as the perp looks. They interviewed people. Went to the house where the shots were fired and found this dumb ass leaving. After interviewing him they determined he was the one firing the gun. When they ran his name it came up probably as a convicted felon which are prohibited of having a gun. They then got a search warrant and found the gun. Read the police report. Stupid people like you don't help. Your incoherent ramblings show the stupidity that the Democrats rely on.

  5. I love how 1:11 is using the cop code for shots fired as firecrackers.
    Thats what they call it when they can't prove it.
    But all of us on the east side know that it really is gun fire.

  6. 3:31.... shots fired in the area of! Not at an address! Nobody saw him with the weapon! This Republican is no idiot! I know how it works. Because until 6 yrs ago, I was a cop! Driven to leave my home state after I spoke up about a dirty cop in my department. I saw the cover up of a man who should've been imprisoned for life! First hand saw what that blue line meant. It went to far. I enjoyed the getting away with buzzed driving. Speeding. Keeping the pot I took from a kid as I sent him on his way. I even have lied on the stand because I knew the punk was guilty. Small petty crap that goes on in every department in this country. All for the greater good. But it was wrong! I know it was wrong! And I'm disgusted with myself because that's not why I became a cop. But it's who we become. Day after day of dope users and thugs. We start to see everyone as a criminal and forget who we are. Act as if we are better than anyone not in blue. Dont think for a second that cops do not assume and act on those assumptions. We charge people with everything we can and let the States Attorney figure it out. Is this man a guilty p.o.s? More than likely. But he needs to go properly.

  7. 8:12 you don't know what was said during the interviews. In the area of is what was called in. This idiot could have done this before and/or the people in the neighborhood probably knew who it could have been. You must have been a horrible cop. And you should have run with your tail between your legs. Dirty cops suck.


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