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Monday, June 06, 2016

Seizing On Pope's Remarks, Women Meet In Rome To Discuss Female Priesthood

All across the Mediterranean, early Christian frescoes and bas reliefs carry the names of women deacons and even bishops — such as Phoebe, Helaria, Ausonia, Euphemia and Theodora.

Yet in 1994, Pope John Paul II not only decreed that women are definitively excluded from the priesthood, he even banned all discussion of the topic.

Pope Francis broke that taboo last month when he announced he would create a commission to study whether women can serve as deacons as they did in early Christianity.

Seizing this new sign of openness, supporters of a female priesthood converged on Rome this week, to coincide with the Vatican's Jubilee for the all-male clergy.

Marinella Perroni, a theologian and New Testament scholar who teaches at a Pontifical College in Rome, was one of the participants on a panel. She recalled that John Paul's 1994 edict even urged students to report errant teachers.

"In Rome, several professors were denounced to the congregation of the doctrine of the faith," she said. "This had immediate consequences on their right to teach and it led to paralysis."



  1. Whats next a transgender ?

  2. Women teaching men is not biblical and he knows it!

  3. There are those that predict an end to Catholicism.

  4. The Pope is not a Christian.
    Just that simple. He is a Jesuit. A Zionist Jew in sheep's clothes.
    His job is to destroy Christianity.

  5. francis is working to ensure his marxist liberation theology is part of the new world order. It all feels so nice and comfy. he's a tool and is being used to subvert the church and Christianity. study your bibles and you'll know the truth! not what this fools says!


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