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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Secret DNC Memo: Hillary Vulnerable on Clinton Foundation

A hacked 42-page Democrat National Committee memo released on Monday reveals the dizzying array of Clinton Foundation scandal facts the DNC considers “vulnerabilities” for presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

The secret document, titled “Clinton Foundation Vulnerabilities Master Doc FINAL,” is one of several newly released internal memos obtained by the hacker known as “Guccifer 2.0.” Totaling over 22,000 words in length, the DNC vulnerabilities dossier paints a portrait of a political party besieged by media coverage of foreign Clinton Foundation donations spawned by the investigative New York Times bestselling book, Clinton Cash.

The document chronicles hundreds of news reports of Clinton Foundation malfeasance featured under devastating headings created by DNC staffers themselves. Track-change comments featured inside the document contain the names “Lauren Smith” and “Jeremy Brinster,” both of whom are listed as former or current DNC research staffers. The DNC’s own descriptive headings, which are backed up by mainstream media reports, demonstrate how politically toxic the DNC considers the Clinton Foundation’s acceptance of foreign donations during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Sec. of State.



  1. Bet the MSM will run with this one!!

  2. YAAA! Crooked Hillary for jail 2016 YEAH!


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