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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Republicans Rock


  1. Cause by the time their term is up we can't afford to do it. That is why Obama is bringing in all these foreigners. He's going to have them re-carve Lincoln in his image.

  2. Washington was a Federalist, Jefferson a Democratic-Republican, Roosevelt was a 19th century version of a RINO, and Lincoln was the equivalent of a modern day Democrat with his overt support of federal spending for internal improvements, inflated currency, national banks, a federal income tax, and the limitation of 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendment rights.

  3. Lincoln was actually the first president to overstep the federal government boundaries as prescribed by the Constitution when he decided to wage war against SC for secession even though SC was well within its right to do so.

    1. Really? John Adams alien and sedition acts were with constitutional restraints?

  4. Because back in the day we didn't have 2 major political parties. I believe it was a founder father who stated that political parties would be the downfall of the nation?

  5. Lincoln's motive was not to let Union be destroyed for an immoral goal (slavery). Therefore, because of the failure of the Missouri Compromise, he was left with no choice but to try and save the Union and eventually abolish slavery. Thank God he had the wisdom and courage to do so, thus saving our Union and eliminating the immoral activity of human enslavement.

    Because of this, and the trials and tribulation he personally faced, in addition to the tremendous governmental challenges of a civil war, is why historians proclaim Abraham Lincoln to be the greatest President in our Country's history.

    Upon his death, as Secretary of War Stanton said, "He will be one for the ages"!

    1. He was the first president to declare war on his own citizens. Nothing glorious about this, 844.

    2. War was never declared

  6. Oh 844 your part of the Lincoln revisionist cult. Actually you're incorrect. Lincoln was a racist. He freed blacks to send them back to Africa. He didn't emancipate them for them to roam America. He had many resettlement locales. He was successful in sending some out but they died. There are many recounts of his physical reaction to signing the emancipation proclamation and some have doubts that he actually signed it. Might want to read Lerome Bemmett's Forced to Glory. You seem to not understand Lincoln as president at all!

    You really need to really investigate real history.

  7. 8:30 What are you saying, the single party soviet model is better? Yes comrade we must have obedience to the Amerikan communist party!


  8. 8:49 you are part of the Lincoln revisionist cult.


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