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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Rep. Marsha Blackburn Stands With Trump on Temporary Muslim Migration Pause

The terrorist attack in Orlando that ended 49 lives is another reminder of the threat we face from Radical Islam. There is a deadly element of Islam spreading like a cancer throughout our country and we must unite to confront it.

Democrats’ bludgeoning of Americans with political correctness has weakened our resolve. Their hesitation to confront Radical Islam, or even utter the term, has emboldened the jihadists – and not for the first time.

During Bill Clinton’s presidency, Islamic terrorists perpetrated the following attacks against America: 1) 1993 World Trade Center bombing; 2) 1996 Khobar Towers; 3) 1998 Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania; 4) 2000 bombing of the USS Cole. Each attack was followed with little to no response. The terrorists felt victorious. They felt invincible. And even worse, they did not fear us. This, of course, culminated in the 9-11 attacks. Ironically, the day before 9-11, President Clinton told an audience that he “could have killed” September 11th mastermind Osama Bin Laden in 1998. The next day, 2,977 Americans were killed by Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda terrorist group.

Under the Obama presidency we have endured attacks on Ft. Hood, Benghazi, Boston, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, and now Orlando. Incredibly, he and Hillary Clinton are now calling for increasing Syrian refugees to America despite known ISIS pledges to exploit the program and universal agreement that we cannot vet these individuals – how delusional.

Donald Trump has promised to use every tool at our disposal to go after Radical Islam. He speaks to Americans with unequivocal clarity at a time when clarity is required. Americans know that Mr. Trump is right when he says we must “now get very tough, very smart and very vigilant.” His plan to temporarily suspend immigration from areas with a “proven history of terrorism” could not be any more common sense. I filed a bill to temporarily suspend the refugee resettlement program last December for the same reason.



  1. Who needs 72 virgins (or raisins), I'd take her any day. Hottest member in Congress.

  2. The shooter in Florida was born here, how you going to control that?

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 15, 2016 at 11:16 PM

    Good Girl, she knows what's up.
    7:49 that's easy, just Cancel all of those Gun Free Zones and you would see immediate drop in casulties. And less backlog in the court system.


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