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Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Police investigate parents of boy rescued from gorilla

CINCINNATI (AP) — Police said Tuesday they are investigating the parents of the 3-year-old boy who fell into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo and had to be rescued by a team that shot the 400-pound animal to death.

Authorities said the investigation will look at the parents’ actions leading up to the incident — not the operation of the zoo, which is overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Police will then confer with prosecutors over whether charges should be filed, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said.

The incident has triggered a furor online, with some saying the boy’s mother should be charged with child endangering, while others want the zoo held responsible for the animal’s death.



  1. Must have thrown him over the wall for a law suit.

  2. Joe I am glad to hear this. Something stinks here I was wondering what witnesses observed. This could end up being an attempted murder case. Something stinks how did that child get passed all the safety barriers and no one noticed ????

  3. It's clear from the video that the gorilla recognized the lil' homie as one of his own, and came to his rescue. The poor creature was shot to death without just cause.

  4. “The barrier obviously isn’t sufficient to keep the public out,” said Michael Budkie of Stop Animal Exploitation NOW. “Otherwise, Harambe wouldn’t be dead.”

    It has been sufficient for more than a decade, maybe if the parents were paying attention to their child this would not have happened. But their culture dictates that they can procreate and then ignore their spawn and make it everyone else's problem to deal with them.

    Self absorbed idiots.

  5. Typical. You see it all over Salisbury in the same areas that you expect to witness a drive by at any moment. Children as young as 3 and 4 running the streets unsupervised. The honest to God's truth is that animals are more civilized then this culture.

  6. Here we go again. What do you mean by "their culture" or " this culture?" Statements like that are so uncalled for. If you flip the script, and put your child in its place, you wouldn't say stupid comments.


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