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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Perhaps You'd Like To Respond To This?


  1. Amen! I am sick and tired of the double standards allowed by the Freaking Democrats.


  2. No respect for either of the mentions class of whatever.


    Throw that Paul Ryan in with them...same loins. I am saddened, peeved, angry, disappointed, etc., etc., that I voted for and gave to the RINO and the presidential candidate he ran with.

  3. I don't know where you people live, but here in Ocean City no one is restricting any of the activities in the first paragraph.

    1. Gee is OC located in a muslin country? OR are you saying Muslims come to OC to partake of the first paragraph?

  4. There is no Democrat telling this American that I have to do that, because I will not!

  5. i love how cnn shows maps of potential muslim visa restrictions that will protect us from these radical extremist under trump's proposal as being a bad thing, yet they don't show maps of the garbage muslim countries that already restrict non-muslims from entering since they are racist and do not tolerate people not like themselves. i'm sickened that this is even an issue these days. this is why we need trump to set our nation's values back to individual rights and stop the catering to these psychotic religious sects.

  6. Dave T: Simple answer, Democrats want to be the sheep, that will be herded by the Muslims before they are lead to slaughter. Only an idiot would support such a naive ideology. You can't fix stupid. I'm done trying to convince Democrats they are wrong, it's a waste of my time.

  7. It is the elites who tell us what to do and how to do it.
    The own the banks. The create money out of thin air.
    They are our masters (while we are alive on earth).

    Eventually they will exist only in hell.

  8. And can you please tell me what laws they're asking to be changed?


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