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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Paul Ryan trashes House gun control sit-in as "fundraising scheme"

House Speaker Paul Ryan slammed the Democratic-led sit-in on gun control, calling it a "publicity stunt" and a "fundraising scheme" during a press conference Thursday.

"We are not going to allow stunts like this from carrying out the people's business," Ryan told reporters, just as the House's #NoBillNoBreak protest surpassed the 24-hour mark. "Why do I call this a stunt? Well, because it is one - let's just be honest here."

"They're staging protests," the Republican leader said. "They're trying to get on TV. They're sending out fundraising emails."

"If this is not a political stunt, why are they trying to raise money off of this -- off of a tragedy?" he questioned, reading off some emails Democratic committees had sent out Wednesday. "I'm really not sure what their plan and endgame is here...They know this isn't going anywhere. It already failed in the Senate."



  1. Maybe if Ryan would quit getting on every tv show to diss Trump and started aligning with him rather than against him, he'd have more control over the children in Congress. They see the division in the party and they're taking advantage of it. Ryan is an ineffectual leader and should be voted out NOW!

  2. LOL He sounds like a substitution teacher in an inner-city high school! Ryan's such a cuck.

  3. They did not want the Trump speech regarding Clinton covered on the news therefore it was a diversion to change the subject. Unfortunately it did change the subject very quickly. Just a stunt by the Democrats.

  4. Doing what they do best...NOTHING!

  5. Ryan knows "WE THE PEOPLE" are seeking to remove him from Office....He is running scared now!

  6. no more guns, no more kills thanks.



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