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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Orlando shooter worked for DHS, State contractor

An international security company confirmed Monday afternoon it was the employer of the man who fatally shot 48 people at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning.

G4S, a large security organization, is a major federal contractor for the Homeland Security and State departments.

"Omar Mateen was employed by G4S at a residential community in South Florida and was off-duty at the time of the incident. Mateen was subject to detailed company screening when he was recruited in 2007 and re-screened in 2013 with no adverse findings. He was also subject to checks by a U.S. law enforcement agency with no findings reported to G4S," the company said in a statement.



  1. Dave T: Great job SBY news AGAIN ! I have not heard or seen of this info. anywhere on the main stream news networks. I have not been combing the news waves looking to prove a point, so I could be wrong. But from what I can see, you guys are very timely and always informative. Great job.
    This is journalism ! Bravo !!!!

  2. Yes, he worked for Hillary. First Bengazi then this.

  3. Looks like that company screening isn't all it's cracked up to be.

  4. This should wake people up about the current administration but it wont.How can anyone believe taking our guns away will make us safer when they are hiring terrorists.


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