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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Orlando Police Chief: Blame Omar Mateen for 'Friendly Fire'

(McClatchy) Any deaths caused by police fire as they battled Omar Mateen inside the Pulse nightclub in the wee hours of June 12 should be blamed on Mateen and not on the responding officers, Orlando Police Chief John Mina said Monday.

“Those killings are on the suspect and on the suspect alone, in my mind,” Mina said.

Forty-nine people, plus the 29-year-old Mateen, died in the mayhem, and 53 others were wounded.

The question of possible deaths by police fire arose soon after the shootings. One survivor,Norman Casiano, 26, told ABC News that he was shot by police when he crawled out from his hiding place in the bathroom after he thought it was safe.


  1. Bull crap! It's not the old west! Now it's really smelling like the government did this! What's the real count of dead by this man? And the number by police? Never in history of modern police in America has police stormed an occupied building with a hostage situation! SWAT is called. Negotiators! They have a game plan! Cops will risk their lives . Only after the plan and calculated risks are assessed. Until then they cower down and secure the area to ensure this man can't leave. Wake up America!

  2. Agreed, this is nuts. When heard the audio of the gunfight I knew they had to have hit someone.


  3. So you suggest the law officers let the killer keep on killing?

  4. 7:03 Not at all! I'm saying the federal government killed most of these people while they had a chance to further the gun legislation agenda! Why else would they come off with blame this guy for innocent people killed by police gun fire? You blame the police for their actions! Or inactions! Cops go in wrecklessly shooting and kill people then they're 100% to blame! Not a bit of this adds up!

  5. He was doing Gods work! Read the Bible, it says death to the Sodomites!

  6. Our preacher told us last Sunday the same thing, but also to pray for the parents since they were innocent.

  7. 10:08???? Is your church part of Westboro Baptist? What kind of sick preacher to you have? Not one true Christian preacher would ever condone murder! I strongly suggest finding another Church!The devil is in your preachers heart! And hopefully you a a Christian would know better!

  8. 12:28 get a life with your Whiney liberal dogooder theology! Or watch the Muslims come into your church as you pray for your life to no avail.
    Jesus isn't going to save you from Islam or the current rogue regime.
    Smith and Wesson, Colt, bushmaster, Sig sauer and Remington will though!


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