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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Only thing transparent about Hillary is her dishonesty

Buried by last week’s Brexit furor was fresh news of Hillary Clinton’s efforts to cover up her abuses of power at the State Department. Two distinct Associated Press scoops show her concealing evidence.

One is just a single email that she chose not to hand over in her supposedly complete dump of her work correspondence. It’s far from the first one recovered from other sources, but it’s telling because she opted to delete just the one email in a long exchange with top aide Huma Abedin.

And because it’s a clear acknowledgment that Clinton’s reliance on her homebrew server posed risks.



  1. Joe
    The town of vienna put up a speed bump due to out of control speeders through town and possibilty hitting a child, Well a arrogant farmer from out of town said his watermelons may get brusied and children shouldnt be in the street well the town comm agreed and niw they are pulling up the one speed bump ,i guess watermelons lives matter not childrens.

  2. Pam travers is a flip flopping self loathing fool who should not be on that seat the whole town is corrupt.


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