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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

One Hundred Nude Women Headed to the RNC

Get ready for some truly naked politics at the Republican National Convention.

Spencer Tunick — a photographer known for his eye-popping snaps of hundreds of ordinary people posing nude together at well-known locations — is planning his latest effort outside the RNC in Cleveland, Ohio, next month.

"The photograph will involve 100 nude women holding large mirror discs, reflecting the knowledge and wisdom of progressive women and the concept of 'Mother Nature' into and onto the convention center, cityscape and horizon of Cleveland," Tunick says.

"By holding mirrors, we hope to suggest that women are a reflection and embodiment of nature, the sun, the sky and the land … Republicans, Democrats and all other political parties are welcome to take part."



  1. Never interested in seeing Cleveland - except for the (lame) Rock & Roll Museum.
    Suddenly I have an urge to go....

  2. I'm Bill Clinton and I support this event😀

  3. Idiot. What do nude women have to do with anything?

  4. 4:50 "what do nude women have to do with anything" you ask. Why sex and cooking, that's what. Don't you know anything?

  5. So if thousands of men show up with cameras and video is that sexist?

  6. If out in the open, isn't that indecent exposure? With the CPD make arrests?

  7. Would have been better received by the Dems. Helluva anti-conservative statement. Should be interesting. There are indecency laws. Unless you're behind a fence!


  8. Cleveland used to have officers on horseback. If they still do I'd make sure the horses get a good breakfast and send them out to manage this event!

  9. Get about 5 or 10k of these Syrian refugees down their too. Make it like a Paris new years party.


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