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Monday, June 06, 2016

OJ Simpson Will Confess to Murders: Old Friend

O.J. Simpson will confess to the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, his old friend Ron Shipp has told the New York Daily News.

"The guy is in total torment today," Shipp said at the premiere of ESPN's "O.J. Simpson: Made in America" documentary, the latest episode in what has been a cottage industry on the entire saga. "Someone told me he is 300 pounds and he looks horrible. O.J. has always felt his appearance meant everything and now, deep down inside, he is starting to live with himself."

Shipp testified at Simpson's 1995 murder trial that Simpson had confessed to him that he had dreamed about killing his wife, although the defense lawyers always implied that Shipp was only trying to gains some fame of his own.



  1. We have a good example of lawyers who are crooked like Hillary . The lawyers in his case knew the was guilty , the public knew he was guilty . The most racist trial that has ever been publicized .
    He got off because he was brown.

    1. Another one bringing up race. OJ was found not guilty and people are still harping on it. I'm sorry the people were killed; the police stopped looking for other suspects; very shoddy police work. Racist??? Do you remember the make up of the jury??? Just like you remember the OJ case, people also remember the not guilty verdict in the Trayvon Martin case, or Michael Brown, and the other not guilty verdicts concerning innocent black men and boys senselessly killed by white officers. Oh, but they were white and it's ok.

  2. i would be waiting for him at the 18th hole if that was my family members.

  3. Apples and Oranges 8:36. The Michael Brown case was without a doubt the right ruling. Tired of hearing about this crap and the BS BLM crap that came out of the clearly justified shooting. Michael Brown was a thug looking for trouble and he found it.

  4. He got off because he was rich and famous. That trial got me thinking about the different classes and how money and position in society carry as much if not more weight than race.

  5. An OJ massive heart attack would be best for everyone. Justice served.

    1. Heart attack or whatever, the verdict still stands, NOT GUILTY.

  6. Not guilty??? He's in jail! And a jury found him overwhelmingly liable (guilty) for the deaths in a civil trial. Go ahead and think that a 20 million dollar defense that turned the trial into a media circus and played the race card to a primarily black jury, made him not guilty. Guilty as hell, but got away with it, it what you mean. He lost all his assets and he's been in jail since 2007, so he's damn sure guilty of something, isn't he?

  7. The defense team that took OJ's ten million dollars to help him get away with a double murder are almost all dead now. Karma prevails and a form of justice has been served (on the defense attorneys).


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