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Sunday, June 26, 2016

OC Police go for stronger power

The Ocean City Police Commission has fast-tracked an ordinance that would grant police officers the power to penalize more severely civilians who ignore a direct order to cease and desist disruptive behavior.

After studying the resort’s and Maryland’s laws for a month, Capt. Kevin Kirstein proposed that the City Council create a new ordinance that would make it unlawful for people to continue unlawful or disruptive behavior after receiving first warning from the police.

The wording of the proposed ordinance makes it “unlawful to fail to obey a police officer’s order to immediately cease and desist while committing any offense which is classified as a municipal infraction upon such order from a police officer.”

In other words, only the police would be able to impose immediate fines, or even arrest perpetrators. Code enforcement officers, like building inspectors, would not have the same authority.



  1. Sounds like they're working on a Police-State / Gestapo regime.

    Who voted for this?!

  2. This will just encourage cops to abuse the authority. They can already cite people for being disruptive.

  3. Crap! These are summer job cops! Full time cops don't know what is and isn't law half the time! This will lead to more physical force allowed by police against people who are well within their rights! Keep giving cops power! Bad enough a handful of people make decisions for millions! Any and every law should be voted on by the people during elections! We need to take our country back! Starting at municipalities with outrageous over reach such as ocean city!

  4. You guys complaint about the crime in OC, and then when town officials try to stop, you complain louder about a police state. Grow up and stop whining. Go visit some country that's truly a police state.

  5. 1:26
    We don't trust the cops!

  6. Being ticketed for doing something stupid in the morning doesn't mean that you have a free pass to do the same stupid thing all day.

  7. This is absolutely necessary in OC, and it's been too far along in coming.
    OC is different from any other town in the State, and it has to be managed that way.
    People come to OC and do things they would never consider doing in their hometown. The Police and authorities have to let them know that they'll give a little leeway, but draw the line too.
    This goes for all the car shows, Senior Week, etc. (I didn't mention the Bikers, because while very noisy, they are probably the best behaved large convention of the season.)
    Virginia Beach, Myrtle Beach, and a few others went completely PC on handling rowdy crowds by looking the other way on many "quality of life" problems, and it came back to bite them. Today they are two of the most conservative beaches on the coast, and the rowdies don't go there any longer. Actually, they are coming to OC instead.
    OC has finally seen the light, and someone was courageous enough to want to do something about it. A heavy hand is needed.
    Good for them.

  8. 1:37.... don't you have a report to take? Some money to make for big brother? You know nothing of me! Any American with knowledge of the real world knows the truth about what policing truly is in today's times! And it pisses you off to no end knowing that good people like me arent in your corner any longer! I'd love to hear how I am the problem when all i do is work and pay taxes. Sit and waste my time in line for illegal and right violations check points. How I get speeding tickets for 8 over and the issuer was 30 over after an illegal U-turn to catch up to me. How I don't talk on cell phones while I drive and guess what? I don't kill or injure people! I turned in my brother for being a criminal. Yet you watch your brothers and sister violate laws not limited to but including murder and you sit silently! Who is the p.o.s? Your pathetic! Your assumptions are hilarious. Show me a cop who does his job 100% properly. And I'll show you 2500 who are corrupt! You think because your a cop your an angel! Your wolves in government clothing!

  9. So, if we don't stop fighting, you get to throw hand grenades?


    Failure To Comply Kills 15 At Local Nightclub...

  10. The police may know the law but they ignore our rights. Rights which are above the "laws" like this that get passed. These are gestapo style laws.

  11. 5:05.... That is exactly it! Cops will now have a free pass to shoot somebody or people when they're scared and outnumbered. Their jobs are so dangerous that they need permission to shoot at bumble bees for fear of their lives! And our government and the sheeple will graciously allow them that right because God forbid a bee stings somebody , especially a whiney cop whos scared of his job!

  12. Comply or die! No seriously. If you don't stop yelling while drunk and being disruptive I'll be forced to taze you and in that dosent work I'll shoot you! I don't want a scraped knee or to be punched . So instead I'll jeopardize your life and those around the area! Especially the ones filming us cops! Hate it when we are filmed being tyrant thugs. I mean cops!

    PFC Hardfried Bacon
    Ocean city Md police

  13. Hey, just pass the law so they can shoot you for being stupid when drunk.

    I've been stupid while drunk many times, but never in a family friendly resort town where they wanted to be able to kill me for that. Maybe I need to reconsider where I want to vacation and drink. Police work should not include carte blanche wipeout mode.

  14. A law within a law. What a novel concept.
    Its like having gun-free zones.....criminals dont care about your silly laws.


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