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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

NRA Chief: 'We Need to Be Able to Protect Ourselves, Because They're Coming'

(CNSNews.com) - "Every American needs to have a security plan, because terrorists have targeted Americans, the head of the National Rifle Association told CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

"We need to be able to protect ourselves, because they're coming. And they're going for vulnerable spots, and this country needs to realize it," said Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's executive vice president and CEO.

Host John Dickerson asked LaPierre, "Should everybody get an automatic or a semiautomatic, or should we lift limits against automatic weapons?"

"I think that we're talking about the fact law-abiding people need to be able to own firearms to protect themselves," LaPierre said.

"I think we need national carry reciprocity. I think every school needs a protection plan with a either police officer or certified armed security. And we need to look at all our vulnerabilities...because they're coming and they're going to try to kill us, and we need to be prepared."

"And this president, by diverting the attention to gun control movement, that's not going to solve the problem. They couldn't care less."



  1. What day will the next civil war start? The day the government says all guns are to be confiscated. It will be during Hillary's first term (or sooner if Obozo gets his way). we have already been through one, it wasn't pretty. This next one is going to be worse.

  2. Dave T: Love the "Obozo" That's a new one for me and it fits like a glove. But I sure hope you are wrong about our next civil war. I remain hopeful this country will not tear itself apart, however if the shoe fits, wear it. I can only say, no quarter will be given to those responsible should such a conflict ensue. No quarter!


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