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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Now Available, But Wait...


  1. Must not be so , I see a lot of turns without a blinker .

  2. Passenger, in a car driven by a Pennsylvanian, watching the driver using hand signals for left and right-hand turns:
    PASSENGER: "Why are you using hand signals?"
    PA DRIVER: "My horn's broken."

  3. I often make the comment that the turn signal must have been an optional accessory for all vehicles. Truck drivers are just as bad.

  4. This is such a great post Joe thank you. It amazes me and my wife at the number of people who do not use their turn signals. Weather its changing lans are making a turn.

    How lazy can you be as it is a simple thing to do and you don't even have to turn it off on your own.

    I see people weave in and out of traffic without any signal. Its completely insane and inconsiderate along with being lazy.

  5. You can use your turn signal to change lanes all day long around here, and the drivers in the next lane will just tighten up to the next car to prevent you from getting in front of them.

    That's why I just speed up and cut in front of them without signalling; it works better.

    Believe me, If using them ever worked to my advantage, I'd use them!

  6. If law enforcement agencies would issue tickets to all of the drivers that fail to use their turn signals, there would be no govt budget problems. Same goes for cell use while driving.


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