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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Missing Cat In Salisbury: UPDATE

Mr. Albero,

I am contacting you on behalf of my friend/coworker. Her cat got out of the house last night in the area around Pennsylvania Avenue and Camden Ave. She is primarily black with a white chest, face and paws. She is small, weighing about 5 pounds and answers to Puddin'. I have attached a picture. She is a lovable member of the family and is greatly missed. If anyone has seen her or has any other information please contact me at 443-880-7038 or by email at joanna.duhe1991@gmail.com.


  1. Put a piece of the owners clothing outside. Also put up fliers in that area so people will know where to return her if they find her. Hope you find her!

  2. The owner needs to go out on the back step with an electric can opener. Run it, then call the cat's name several times. Do that two or three times and that cat will be at the back door begging to get in to the food. This is a proven method to get a cat back home.

  3. I knew as soon as I saw this on Joe's blog the cat was as good as home.


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