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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Michael Jackson stockpiled pornography at Neverland Ranch, documents show

Michael Jackson’s activities at Neverland Ranch are back in the news this week amid the disclosure of documents suggesting the King of Pop kept a stash of pornography there.

The issue of pornography first arose about a decade ago when Jackson was on trial on molestation charges.

At the time, Santa Barbara County prosecutors described Neverland as a fantasy world that Jackson built to lure young boys, who he then "groomed" with alcohol and pornography before molesting them. Jackson was acquitted in that case. He died in 2009.

Now, Radar Online has published what appear to be case documents as well as pornographic images that were purportedly among items Jackson used to lure children.

Kelly Hoover, a spokeswoman for the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office, told The Times "some of the documents appear to be copies of reports that were authored by Sheriff’s Office" along with evidentiary photographs taken by Sheriff’s Office personnel. But she cautioned that they are interspersed with content that appears to be obtained off the Internet or through other sources. The sheriff's material, she added, had case numbers on it.



  1. But he is still a big hero to all black people, especially Obama. FACT!

    1. He is still a big hero to a lot of white people as well and probably in your own family. FACT!

  2. So, which family member owns it now and when is it going to be auctioned off?

  3. All pop culture is filth.

  4. 8:14 AM, EXACTLY!!

  5. Yes it was Porn, but not normal Adult Porn, it was tons of Kiddy Porn! One officer said he never saw such disgusting images in all his 25 years as an officer! They are covering it up due to "Its not nice to Dice the dead" according to the same officer.

  6. His wasn't called Wacko Jacko for nuttin!

  7. EVERYONE knew he was a disgusting pervert, but wouldn't do anything about it.

  8. Of course family says it isn't true. However, porn was found. And his life was far from normal regarding time & times spent with children. Look at McCauley Caulkin..

  9. The only thing that surprises me about this post is that anyone would be surprised. He settled out of court numerous times, he got people to lie about his children's births. A grown man with male children visiting all the time behind locked doors per his own staff--get real.


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