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Monday, June 06, 2016

Media EDITED UCLA Shooter’s Religion Before Publication… Trump Was Right

So there was a suspected mass shooting on the campus of UCLA on Wednesday, which after swarms of SWAT officers scoured the campus for hours amid a collective freakout by the media, was determined to be a fairly typical impassioned murder/suicide.

The perpetrator of the terrible crime was almost immediately known to law enforcement and school officials, and if you are wondering why the media didn’t immediately rush to plaster the name and face of the alleged “white shooter” all over the news, it isn’t that hard to figure out why.

It turned out that the “white male” the media intimated was responsible for the murder was actually a decidedly non-white male of Indian or Bengali descent named Mainak Sarkar, according to RedStateWatcher.

Making matters worse for the deceptive media, they seem to have been caught in the act of attempting to cover up both the race and religion of Sarkar in an effort to make his crime fit with a political narrative by editing his Everipedia profile before publicizing his name.



    fake liberal news.

  2. Thes bs netwotks should be Fined for fake spews.

  3. People cannot depend on the MSM to relay truth in their news reporting. Under the guise of hard news journalism, they always have an edited slant, which leads to things like this. All in the effort to promote the Left's ideology rather than doing their duty to the people they are supposed to serve - the public.

    At this point, you're best to look to bloggers to get more accurate accounting and facts on situations such as this rather than any of the main alphabet centrals. They are all skewing for one cause or another.

  4. President Trump will call them out on this BS!

  5. This bulls--- is why we need Trump in office.

  6. Come on November.


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