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Friday, June 10, 2016

Md. Coastline Poorly Protected From Rising Sea Levels, Study Shows

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Using nature to dampen the effects of rising sea levels. Maryland has just completed a study of those natural defenses.

Alex DeMetrick reports only a fraction of the state’s coastline is protected.

Ice is melting faster than previously predicted. In March, researchers estimated that could raise sea levels by six-feet by the end of this century. That’s on top of the one-foot rise in the 20th century.

“The sea level rise that we saw in the last century was really unprecedented in 2,800 years,” said Dr. Donald Boaesch, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.

Following Hurricane Sandy, Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources joined in an assessment of the state’s 7,000 miles of coastline.



  1. Shooting at dallas airport

  2. what a load! there is NOTHING more UNSUSTAINABLE than a shoreline

  3. Sand shifts every day. The earth has been evolving and changing for millions of years and will continue, hopefully tax free, as it has for millions of years.



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