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Friday, June 17, 2016

LGBT activists enraged over beach patrol bathroom email

The Left has given common sense a great big swirly, America.

Consider the plight of Captain Butch Arbin, a 40-year veteran of the beach patrol in Ocean City, Md.

He’s facing the wrath of City Hall and militant LGBT activists over his handling of a bathroom controversy involving male and female lifeguards.

Female lifeguards had complained that male lifeguards were using their dressing rooms. The male lifeguards are not transgender. They are presumed to be men who identify as men, which in PC parlance is called "cisgender."

Some of the guys were apparently using the ladies room out of convenience – seeing how there are more male lifeguards than female.



  1. Good Lord, lgtbxyz's! Get over yourselves!

    Just use your own bathroom before you leave the house.
    Stay out of mine.

  2. Now front page on foxnews, my guess is this guy is fired by the end of the weekend.

  3. This whole lbgt argument will be passe' when the Muslims take over the country. They will behead anyone who is not "straight".

  4. Thanks to living in the USA, they have the right to be enraged! Lucky for them! Try that in Libya!

  5. I stand with Butch Arbin and Jessica Walters can go to hell! What a POS she is not standing up for women. A POS! Nothing but a slave she is and another useless degenerate allowing herself to be dragged around by the nose by political correctness. She should be ashamed of herself and so should whatever it was that raise such a person!
    There are very few things that OC has to be proud of and the beach patrol is one of them.

    1. SPOT ON! Jessica knew exactly what she was doing. Another liberal with the power of the media. She's the one that needs to be fired!

    2. Dito. Why was this not a "personel matter" to begin with? Answer ... because the Council and Theobald have been laying for Butch, and Jessica was given the go ahead.

  6. And they wonder why people hate them. No one can say anything about them and the freaks of nature get all offended. They are the only reason for the Orlando massacre. They caused it themselves Muslims as a whole hate gays and other freak of nature and aren't about to take orders from them. If a Muslim wants to discriminate against them they will. They will kill them all off before they will ever not hate them or take orders from them. Maybe that's obama's plan. He's been said to be a Muslim after all or at the minimum a sympathizer. Oh boy does obama ever have all you freaks of nature fooled.

  7. Go after the activists.


  8. It is sad this gentleman has to endure such wrath for his own people of O.C. I would go out with my pension and the town should give him the biggest party ever, with honors, respect, gold watches, bonuses, meal, gratitude, recommendations, sea shells, lifetime parking, you get my drift. Not that a man of his standards would even attend.
    Thank you for your service sir!!

  9. From now on, I just say NON-HETEROSEXUAL individuals rather that the alphabet description. NON-HETEROSEXUAL covers all the others.


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