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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Judge Jeanine NAILS what Brexit means for ordinary Americans who want to ‘take our country back’

Judge Jeanine Pirro doesn’t mince words, and her Saturday night razor-sharp analysis of the U.K.’s Brexit decision was no different.

Right out of the gate on Fox News’ “Justice,” Judge Pirro gave viewers who might not understand the political and cultural ramifications of Britain’s vote to exit the E.U. all they need to know about what it means for America and Americans.

In short – a rejection of globalism and an embracing of nations seeking first and foremost what is best for them, and the rise of politicians, like Donald Trump, who speak for us and our interests.

“What happened in England is going to happen again. Next stop, the United States. Next president, Donald J. Trump. What happened in the U.K. this week is just the beginning. The world is changing and all you elite establishment, ruling class, condescending, Washington big wigs who think you know better than ordinary Americans are out. Start packing. Your days are numbered.”



  1. The difference is that many young Americans don't want to work. They'd rather be on welfare and get all the free stuff that Obama has given them and Hillary promises even more. They will be enticed to go out and vote for Hillary. And all the anger The Donald has stirred up with Hispanics and women will cause him to lose to the massive Clinton machine and all its money pouring in from all over the world. He's got a lot of ground to cover to change people's minds about him.

  2. All the Trump supporters could help him by talking it up about him and what our country is going to be if the Hildabeast gets elected. What our country will be is: No longer the USA as we know it. Vote Trump.

  3. I love her and what she stands for. Who wouldn't? God bless her and her path in life.

  4. Except the UK hate Trump

  5. WTF is Steve talking about? Who does he love, Hillary or Jeanine? I prefer the latter!!

  6. Hope she's right.

  7. Dave T: Good looking, smart and well grounded. Love her. Great lady ! Calling it like it is.


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