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Monday, June 06, 2016

Islamic State Threatens Terror Attacks in U.S., Europe

The Islamic State is urging jihadists in the United States and Europe to carry out terror attacks during what a group spokesman promised would be “the month of conquest and jihad.”

A U.S. government advisory warned that ISIS attacks, either directly sponsored or simply inspired by the group’s rhetoric, could be carried out during Islam’s month of Ramadan that begins June 5.

The threatened attacks were announced in an ISIS video made public May 21.

In the video, ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani called on jihadists to “get prepared, be ready … to make it a month of calamity everywhere for nonbelievers…especially for the fighters and supporters of the caliphate in Europe and America.”

A report by the State Department-led Overseas Security Advisory Council said the threat could be credible because three deadly terror attacks took place last year shortly after Adnani issued a similar call to arms.

“According to Islamic practice, sacrifice during Ramadan can be considered more valuable than that made at other times, so a call to martyrdom during the month may hold a special allure to some,” the report said.

There is no information indicating a specific ISIS attack is being planned, although the threat of attacks remains significant, the report said.



  1. I hope they make this the summer of blood and terror, then all the assholes that have said Trump is "Racist" for wanting to ban them, will have to eat their words!

  2. Time is getting near , it's a commin folks .
    Get your ammo at walmart.

  3. More votes for Trump.

  4. yes, 1039, destroy the country to just prove a political point. How american of you.

  5. 8:31 ah, I believe this is exactly what Obama has done.
    I think most people would agree.


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