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Sunday, June 26, 2016


While many taxpayers of Wicomico County may not know that over four million of their taxpayer dollars go into supporting the local community college, an even bigger surprise would be for them to know just what some of those funds are used for. 

Seems as though a few years ago WOR WIC took as a donation a money hemorrhaging golf course now known as Ocean Resorts. 

After a couple of bankruptcies, forclosers and auctions, the last owners saw the writing on the wall took a nice tax deduction. They found a bunch of suckers (that being the people that are supposed to look out for us) and unloaded one of the biggest losers on the Eastern Shore by donating it as a gift to WOR WIC. 

Now in all fairness it's well known that golf courses are tough. Too many of them and it cost a lot for upkeep and manage. The great recession took away many of the players who just didn't have the money to spend. It has been admitted by some staff members at WOR WIC that this is the gift that keeps on taking, or in other words, a money pit. 

But wait, why not use it as a teaching tool. Sure we can teach golf course management or teach a few students to cook for the large crowds that will flock there on weekends. Maybe teach someone to plant a little LEGAL grass, (for now) and with some real creative accounting we can make it look like it pays. The other benefits that it can afford will be the level of smoozing that can take place by playing a few rounds with the players from around town and talk them into giving even more of the taxpayers dollars away. 

All of this is complete bullsh!t. As you well know, WOR WIC could partner with most any of the golf courses in the area to provide the same level of learning without owning a golf course. After all, they are getting ready to partner with a cannabis growing operation. If it will work for that, why not the golf experience. 

By the time you read this the Wicomico County Council will be getting ready to vote on whether to give free tuition at WOR WIC. Let's hope they keep the taxpayers in their thoughts and vote no. 

Note the pictures were taken one beautiful Saturday morning just a few days ago at approx. 9 am temp 81 degrees with maybe 12 cars in the parking lot. Thanks Again WOR WIC!

When we said follow the dots yesterday, we meant it. Local special interests are putting their hands into all kinds of things, even day time man caves. Now I want you to THINK. THINK about what would happen if let's say I decided I've had enough. Let's say I walked away from putting out news and information every day. THINK about just how badly your local media is screwing you by covering these things up and conveniently not telling you who the PLAYERS are OR where your tax dollars are going. It should be yet another very interesting Council Meeting tonight, just as it was two weeks ago. 


  1. How much does S U get from tax payers ?

  2. Instead of continuing to pump money in, Wor-Wic should sell the property at a bargain price and retain rights for the students. This would be a win-win.

  3. Anonymous said...
    How much does S U get from tax payers ?

    June 21, 2016 at 8:10 AM

    I don't know Ray Hoy, why don't you tell us??

  4. The problem with that 8:29 is that no one would take it for free much less pay anything for it. Maybe someone would for future development but people on the lower shore need to face reality-the shore is on life support and it's circling the drain at a very very high rate of speed. The reality is-a malodorous toxic waste dump because of chickens. There is NO and I repeat NO area in the country that has ever done well (the reality is they become the poorest counties in a state) when slaughter houses and factory farms take over. Again NO area in the country. They get progressively and progressively worse. The immigrants mostly from African and the Middle East and Asia (what we are seeing now w/the permits for the chicken houses)move in and they don't have the same standards of living that Americans do. 3 or 4 generations will live in one home and they don't care about maintaining the home. This causes surrounding property values to decline dramatically.
    So just keep on cheering these companies but if you do don't dare ever complain about the area's economic decline.

  5. Bob Culver, John Cannon, Matt Holloway, John Hall, Ernie Davis Shame on you Nit Wits for wasting our tax dollars. Once this is accepted the county tax payers are committed for at least 3 years. That's well over $1,000,000 thrown down the drain!!

  6. Close Wor Wic down. I hear most of the college credits don't transfer anyway!!

  7. Why doesn't Ray Hoy give up some of his $200,000 plus salary to help pay for his pitiful "college students."

  8. I was involved with the golf industry on the Eastern Shore for 20 years and became very familiar with all the courses, superintendents, owners, etc. There are many successful courses in the area that make nice profits but there was always one real dog that was always in financial trouble because of poor location, poor layout, poor management, etc. That dog is the one on Cathell Road known as Ocean Resorts Golf Club. It would be more profitable if they plowed it up and planted soybeans.

  9. 8:10-Do you think SU has aquired property all over town with tuition money?

  10. 9:19, This article does not imply this course was purchased with taxpayer money. It was donated as a write off by the former owners. Now, as far as maintaining it is yet another story. To ever imply taxpayer money is not being used to do so is just wrong. It all has to do with how you move the money.

    One of the main things I wanted to point out was the fact that I believe none of you even knew the College even owned the Golf Course. Secondly, 9:11 is right. Very few courses are surviving. The competition is deep in this area.

    My Son and I played this course last summer and I had no idea it was owned by WOR WIC. Frankly, the course is in my honest opinion, crap, with all due respect. After talking to people over the past few days about this course it is known to be the course you go to once and never go back.

    Now I know there are some of you who want to say all I do if rag on things like this. That's just not true. If the course was an excellent course I'd truly give credit where credit is due. We didn't expect an Arnold Palmer type of course and I will admit that all other courses, (we usually play) were booked and this was the only one that had openings. The only good experience we had there was the cold beer.

    1. What exactly needs to be addressed to fix the so-called "crap"? Be specific and realistic and not vague.

      I feel the presentation and conditions are acurately reflected in the green fee. What would you do different?

    2. Put up a windmill and a 19th hole where you can win a free round by hitting the ball into a hippos mouth.

  11. So my questions is how much does Worcester County provide to Wor-Wic?

  12. Isn't this kind of an echo of what happened in Somerset Co. with the Great Hope golf course?
    Still a loser as far as I know.

    1. Great Hope was never bankrupt/sold or donated to Somerset. They built it using Program Open Space grants.

      If the net cost of operation is a loss to the county, using your logic they should close all parks, athletic fields, boat ramps and the like.

      From a political standpoint, it's in the best location for county residents. If it were located to maximum access to customers, it'd be on 13 as far north as possible. It's location suggests it's an amenity not a profit center.,

    2. There is not an abundance of private parks, athletic fields and boat ramps. There are however plenty of other choices for golf courses from you high end expensive courses to your par 3 $15 courses. This is not a public service. It is lining someone's pocket somewhere for sure.

  13. I hope this isn't like Great Hope as I play there twice a week and love the course.

    1. The only thing "wrong" with Great Hope is the location. Not enough draw from the county and a hike from surrounding areas.

  14. Cold beer on a medium/low medium golf track does make the pain go away. Lots of cold beer on the 12th hole snap 45 degree right never made the pain go away! EVVVVVER - hate that hole! HAHAHAHA

    WOR WIC should RIP like Beach Club, Nassawango, Pine Shore, Deer Run et al.

  15. Move to another county/state/country if you don't like paying taxes and the manner in which they are spent. BTW, FL and TX have no state income tax.

  16. So Albero, I guess the county should shut down all of the athletic complexes in the county as well? Based on your nagging on things like this ALL of the time it would seem you don't want the county to have any places for the public to enjoy. By the way, your swing looks horrendous. Look up Charles Barkley golf swing.

  17. Too bad that Nassawango had to close, what a great course and setting that was.

  18. 10:45, YOU want ME to give YOU FREE ADVICE, I think not. I retired at 40 because I was SUCCESSFUL at business and never sucked off the taxpayers for a free ride.

    No, you figure it out yourself on your own and EARN my return, just like thousands of other people feel.

    If there's one thing I can't stand it's one of these people at colleges who PREACH/TEACH business but haven't a clue how to run a real one in the real world.

    I, on the other hand, am NOT stupid. If you want my advice, call me, we can meet AT THAT LOCATION and I will show you what's wrong with that business. However, Mr. Coward hiding behind anonymous will not fly.

  19. 12:06, You're lucky I provide an anonymous option but always remember what I told you some time ago, I've been doing this long enough to know that everyone has a fingerprint under anonymous and I usually know who certain people are. I'm pretty sure I know who you are and right now you're shaking in your boots afraid I might expose you.

    That being said, you're an IDIOT. I never made any such suggestion. Don't you ever put words in my mouth. Those parks are for the CHILDREN. This golf course is for spoiled adults getting a free man cave off the taxpayers.

    Finally, as for my golf game, I shoot in the high 70's and I only play a couple times a year. Might I add, I can also play left handed or right handed. My score is much lower right handed but I'd bet I could beat you, (under 100) left handed. I drive a golf ball 300 to 350 yards on average. Now, if you want to talk CRAP, let's hear how good you are at the game, especially as a female.

  20. "..Great Hope was never bankrupt/sold or donated to Somerset. They built it using Program Open Space grants.
    If the net cost of operation is a loss to the county, using your logic they should close all parks, athletic fields, boat ramps and the like.. "

    Well, when you think about all the older people struggling to pay their taxes and think about that money going to subsidize somebody's golfing, I have a problem with that.

    It's hardly a proper government function. It should be sold to a private operator.

  21. I will bet you $10,000 that you don't shoot in the 70's I'm not talking putt-putt golf either. I will caddy for you. Bet?

  22. To the person trying to put up a comment saying this is why this course is a lot less money to play, BS!

    You do NOT get into ANY business to be the WORST, you Idiot!

    With all the golf courses around you need to compete and or offer something unique and special.

    I played a course in Davidsonville Maryland called "Renditions". Every single hold there mirrored a best hole from the greatest golf courses in the world.

    You see, UNIQUE, different, out of the box and in the end, A HOME RUN. The waiting list was forever long back then and now they've gone private.

    I don't go to a CHEAP steak house for a small steak that taste like crap because it's less. Do they, (WOR WIC) tell you before you pay, THIS COURSE SUCKS BUT IT'S A LOT LESS MONEY? If they don't, they should be sued and this is exactly why I said, go there once and you'll never go back. Oh, they'd pack the place if they charged $15.00 a round but they wouldn't ever get a quality player to return.

    Are you people getting my point here?

  23. 12:47, LOL "anonymous".

    Let me just tell you a little something. Every other professional pool player, (yes, I was one of them) had their choice between professional golf or professional pool.

    We have an incredible eye/hand coordination and can see and do things with both sports you'd only dream of.

    Take Nick Varner, for example. He's probably all of 4ft 8 inches tall but could drive a golf ball 300 yard straight as an arrow every time he'd swing. He was also a world champion pool player.

    So take your anonymous $10k and shove it. Just ask around and find some of the people who have seen me play and you'll eat your words.

  24. If you're really interested to find out where SU's money comes from, go to: http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/pubs/budgetfiscal/2014fy-budget-docs-operating-R30B29-Salisbury-University.pdf

    Start with page 24.

  25. 12th hole still stinks and I'd love to bulldoze it!

    Ahhh..Renditions, been a long long time...Queensdale not bad either but that's west of all this fun/excitement!!!

    Keep on keepin on Joe - hit'em long and straight!!!

  26. 2:25 PM - On the twelfth hole simply pull out a five iron, wood or hybrid and shoot for the stars (or over the top of the trees) and hope that it lands on the green. I've been lucky enough to hit near the green with that technique but most of the time I'm doing a "Bagger Vance" shot coming out of the trees.

    Try it sometime, you might be amazed with the results.

  27. SU receives state funding, little to no county money.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The problem with that 8:29 is that no one would take it for free much less pay anything for it. Maybe someone would for future development but people on the lower shore need to face reality-the shore is on life support and it's circling the drain at a very very high rate of speed. The reality is-a malodorous toxic waste dump because of chickens. There is NO and I repeat NO area in the country that has ever done well (the reality is they become the poorest counties in a state) when slaughter houses and factory farms take over. Again NO area in the country. They get progressively and progressively worse. The immigrants mostly from African and the Middle East and Asia (what we are seeing now w/the permits for the chicken houses)move in and they don't have the same standards of living that Americans do. 3 or 4 generations will live in one home and they don't care about maintaining the home. This causes surrounding property values to decline dramatically.
    So just keep on cheering these companies but if you do don't dare ever complain about the area's economic decline.

    June 21, 2016 at 8:54 AM

    Hey Joe, that Skank Kathy Phillips(Assateague Coastkeeper) who lost the law suit against Perdue Farms and the Hudson Farm is Trolling on your page again.

    Nothing like her to keep trying to tear down the chicken industry. Those losers that moved here and expect the Eastern Shore to change it's way of life for them need to take a hike back to where they came from.

    If you losers don't like Wicomico County or the Eastern Shore so much then why don't you just move away from here. Trust me when I tell you... You are not welcomed here anyway!!

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So my questions is how much does Worcester County provide to Wor-Wic?

    June 21, 2016 at 10:20 AM

    For the Bob Culver Economic Scholarship program?? Absolutely NOTHING!!

  30. Maria Payan is Toxic as well. A paid trouble maker from Pennsylvania running her mouth at the Accomack, Somerset and Wicomico County Council meetings running the chicken farmers in the ground and lying about how bad the farms are. She shouldn't be allowed to speak at any of those meetings.

    Watch out Dorchester County you are next!

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The problem with that 8:29 is that no one would take it for free much less pay anything for it. Maybe someone would for future development but people on the lower shore need to face reality-the shore is on life support and it's circling the drain at a very very high rate of speed. The reality is-a malodorous toxic waste dump because of chickens. There is NO and I repeat NO area in the country that has ever done well (the reality is they become the poorest counties in a state) when slaughter houses and factory farms take over. Again NO area in the country. They get progressively and progressively worse. The immigrants mostly from African and the Middle East and Asia (what we are seeing now w/the permits for the chicken houses)move in and they don't have the same standards of living that Americans do. 3 or 4 generations will live in one home and they don't care about maintaining the home. This causes surrounding property values to decline dramatically.
    So just keep on cheering these companies but if you do don't dare ever complain about the area's economic decline.

    June 21, 2016 at 8:54 AM

    Looks like those Concerned Citizens Against CAFO creeps are trying to hijack this thread to bring attention to their mission.

    By the way everyone reading this blog pay attention to the racist innuendos they made. Proof is they are very racist and they are trying to turn the black community against this black man that bought that farm on Naylor Mill Road.

    The bottom line is everyone of them against CAFO's are very RACIST!!

  32. there is also a plot of land over on the road to green hill yacht club that is posted as leased by Wicomico County for hunting purposes...but only to be used by county employees.

    isn't that nice?

  33. ocean resorts is by far the worst golf course I have ever played and I would never consider going back. I don't even want to know the amount of money that hog farm has lost


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