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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Hillary Is Clueless


  1. the wench is deliberitly deceiving people , how can she ever be belived or trusted !

  2. 11:08 you ask how???? I can tell you how very clearly, because america people are too stupid that is how... Simple as that...

  3. 11:08 I agree with you,its very disheartening to see how illiterate the American people are this is how Obama was elected to office twice, by people that are stupid and naive.

  4. 11:23 remember that Hillary along with Obama banned Iraqi's in 2011 and they both were seeking fencing along the Mexican border when they were in Senate

  5. 11:23 - or on welfare, EBT, and section 8

  6. It's not that we are stupid it is that they will rig every thing to make sure they come out a winner. map

  7. Um...do a little research. First it would be LGBT. Second, the twitter account was created the day after the massacre. The account claims to be from a U.K.-based LGBT charity, LGBT Foundation, though that group has denied any affiliation. Phoenix Pride, an Arizona-based LGBT group, said it has no association with Phoenix LGBT.

  8. It is because they have made people dependent on the government. When the republicans run on the fact they want to lessen government aid, they lose. The majority of this country is now lazy/dependent so they will vote for whoever continues to allow their laziness.

  9. There are plenty of stupid people that will vote for Clinton. Period!

  10. Hillary also said when her Helicopter arrived in Orlando she was under heavy machine gun fire from the killer. Brian Williams and herself lead the SWAT team into the nightclub and got the shooter.


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