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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Gov. Larry Hogan: Not voting for Donald Trump

Republican Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday he's not voting for his party's presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump.

Hogan aides confirmed the governor told reporters "I don't plan to" vote for Trump and that he hadn't decided what to do when he goes into the voting booth in November.

The Maryland governor had said repeatedly he would not endorse the controversial real estate developer, that he had no plans to campaign for Trump and that he was skipping the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. But previously, he had declined to say whether whether he would cast a ballot for Trump.

Last week, he told reporters to google his previous comments rather than answer the question directly.



  1. Larry,

    Please just go ahead and endorse Hillary Clinton and join her campaign! We'd all love to hear you come out and speak to that!

  2. This just lowered my opinion of Hogan, quite a bit.

    1. Completely agree. He is no better than Christie. RINO. Republican in name only.

  3. Sad, very sad that a Republican can NOT support their own party of choice. What the heck is he thinking. I bet when he was running for Governor he wanted support from leaders in the Republican Party and got it. Dude need to rethink his position on this.

  4. Guess he doesn't want to get re-elected!

    1. Yep..he's an idiot. He's done nothing for gun rights and now this bone headed move.

  5. Does it really matter who or if Hogan votes for? It is what he has done for the state of Maryland and it's citizens that matters not his national voting record! Personally i could care less if he votes at all what I do care about is what he is doing for the state and it's citizens!!

    1. Well then clearly you are incapable of seeing the important big picture.

  6. Um, 813, I'm thinking that all Maryland Citizens are also United States Citizens and must abide by Federal laws, but, hey,

    That's just me...

    1. What federal law are you referring to? The right to vote is a privilege not a mandate or law. It is your duty as a citizen to exercise that right! Please state what law you are referring to prove your point and I will apologize for this statement that you are ignorant of the laws and rights granted to us as citizens!

    2. Won't happen. 8:13 was speaking out of anatomy south of the belly button.


  7. If you don't vote for Trump, are you voting for the evil woman or do you plan on not voting which is the same as voting for the evil women.
    Been so pleased and proud to call you the good governor of Maryland.
    Understanding there will be differences on issues and that's normal.
    But, to go this route is a major disaster. Guess we'll be watching you closely from here on out.
    Say it ain't so....
    Prayers still continue for good health!!

  8. And you call yourself a Republican?
    Please change your status to Independent.

  9. I pulled my considerable behind off the couch long enough to go to the voting booth and pull the lever for Hogan in the last election. Now he will not reciprocate for a member of his own party. Im finding it harder and harder to pull the lever for Hogan again.

  10. As a republican that took a great deal of courage. Congratulations to Hogan for standing up for his beliefs and not supporting someone JUST BECAUSE they are a republican. Country first

    1. You are an idiot. It did not take courage. It took lunacy. Putting Hillary in the Whitehouse will be disastrous for individual rights.

  11. Trump is only running to boast his overinflated ego and get his buddy Hillary elected.

  12. I am also disappointed. I like Hogan, but I believe in this case he is wrong. I hope he isn't doing or saying this because of his liberal base and Rino republicans. If he supports establishment Republicans, which are not true republicans, then he is no better than the Democrats like O'Malley who we voted to defeat. I think he is letting his Republican base down by doing this.

  13. I will admit, I too am very disappointed in this decision. However, THINK AHEAD. IMHO, I think Hogan is thinking about his own presidential run in the future. Someone is giving him this advice. Your thoughts???

    1. My thoughts - If Hillary is elected, the country will be so destroyed that Hogan will have nothing to run for. If, after four (or eight) years of Hillary, will the Republican Party even survived? Joe if you think he will run as a future President it looks like the Clintons have have already bought and paid for his political career. I am heart sick and extremely disappointed that Hogan has chosen to turned his back on the Republican party. Why did Hogan even think it necessary to reveal he would not vote for Trump?

  14. He was elected by the people......he needs to be voting for the people. Lots of votes for him will be lost in the next election.

  15. Gov Hogan has done some very good things for Maryland since he was elected and I was so happy to have a Republican Governor but this is not acceptable! Vote for Trump, support the republican party. If you are not with us, you are against us.

    Mrs. Tom

  16. Looking at the options, I believe you have to go with the lesser of two evils. We know hildabeast will continue to sell this country out; we also know trump will do his d**mest to turn things around for this country. IMHO, trump is the lesser of the two evils...

  17. Dave T: Dear Larry, I've heard enough about what you don't want to do. How about telling us what you "do" want to do? Like maybe, showing more respect and support for the Second Amendment. Sorry, governor. I didn't support your candidacy before and no so sure I do now either.

  18. I think it is a shrewd and calculated position from a Republican Governor in Blue State MD. Sometimes you just have to play the game. He can do more good for us by getting reelected.

    As demonstrated overwhelmingly by the comments on this board, his decision is not going to sway Trump voters not to vote for Trump.

  19. I'll add, SO EVERYONE KNOWS, ONE Liberal is making all these negative comments against Hogan. Don't think for a second there are multiple people out there sending in these comments. They are going nuts because I have allowed them.

  20. Dave T: Maybe, good point. I just wish he wasn't so placid and mild about everything. We need change in this state and he doesn't seem aggressive enough to me. He also seems very strict on gun control which I don't support.

  21. I feel like Wallace in Brave Heart when Robert the Bruce turned his back on him. This country has become a lot like Scotland in those days. You have ruling class of people who are oppressing the people, and good leader and good men are putting their heads in the sand and allowing evil to rule!!!!

  22. Very disappointing. However,Maryland will never impact a Republican running for president. Hogan needs Democrats to get re elected so it's a CYA move. Still very disappointing. "Be true to your school",Larry.

  23. Governor Hogan - If you feel that you cannot vote for Donald Trump, could you at least consider voting AGAINST Hillary. If Hillary wins you will no longer be able to make changes for the good people of Maryland as in the past.

    Why is it you cannot support the Republican party or Donald Trump? I feel it is a kick in the belly that you will not attend the Republican Convention. The people of Maryland voted you in office and the people of Maryland voted to support Donald Trump as our candidate for President. Whoever you vote for on the secret ballot is your business BUT, IMO to not support the Republican party by NOT going to the Convention is unforgivable and a slap in the face of all Marylanders.

    Could you change your mind, once Donald Trump announces his Vice President choice? I will be voting against "Crooked" Hillary, and maybe not so much for the other candidate when I cast my ballot in November.

  24. Smart guy...to vote for your party through obligation instead of opinion is how all politicians should function. Voting for Trump will most certainly end his political career as well. He isn't voting for Hillary either which is even smarter. Writing in a candidate is his right as a US Citizen and I for one have a new respect for him. We finally have a governor that thinks instead of voting for what people think he should! Good man!

  25. All federal laws. They are being made every day. Like common core and teaching kindergartners about transgenders. Regulations that strangle businesses made by the EPA. Thousands more that won't fit on this page.

    Voters for Hillary will generate thousands more bad laws.

  26. It does not make a difference who the Governor or anyone of you votes for in MD. The electoral college votes will go to the Democratic candidate. If you want to make a difference, register to vote in a state that your vote will actually count.

  27. Hogan is an idiot! He should have just told the press to go screw themselves. We have a secret ballot and whomever he decides to vote for his his business only. Idiot played right into their hands. As usual, republicans have no balls. Exactly why I am registering as a Conservatarian.

  28. I pray he'll change his mind.

  29. Being surrounded by brain dead hard core liberals has helped him come to this decision I'm sure.

  30. I just called his office to express my dismay. Love Gov. Hogan, Don't like this decision on his part. A no vote or a vote for another Republican is a vote for Hillary. period. So I guess it's ok for him to lose our 2nd amendment rights and get a Supreme Court that will be very liberal for the next few decades. Not a good decision on the Gov.'s part. So sad.

  31. Anyway you look at it a no vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. Very disappointed Mr. Hogan.

  32. Trump is not a Republican.

  33. ok we will not vote for you!

  34. Very disappointed in you gov Hogan!!

  35. He has definitely lost my vote for sure. First it was pulling my Sons of Confederate License plates and now this. He's toast.

    I always thought he was quite liberal.

  36. Hey Hogan. Guess who's not voting for you next time around? Tired of these RINOs and their BS. Handng an election to a criminal is criminal in and of itself. Hogan should be ashamed of himself. Embarrassment to Maryland. My mother always told me if I didn't have something nice to say, then keep it to myself. Hogan should've followed those words of wisdom. He just committed political suicide. Good luck in with that target on your back. Trump definitely flushing out all government corruption and showing us who is for or against America.

  37. As far as I'm concerned, any politician who is a Trump hater, hates Americans. Bye bye Hogan.

  38. I truly believe Governor Hogan is playing MD politics - just like many other ordinary Republicans POLITICIANS (i.e. Paul Ryan). Hogan fully realizes that he has to contend with, BOTH, a Democratic controlled Senate and Democratic controlled MD legislature, and both of these chambers will be quick to FINGERPOINT his association to Donald Trump should he decide to endorse him.

    But IMHO (in the end) Hogan is going to have to contend with the Democratic controlled Maryland legislature demise either way. And if Hogan thinks that Democratic Senate Leader Mike Miller and/or Democratic Legislative Majority Leader Michael Busch are going to cut him any slack for his holding back on endorsement of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump - Hogan is going to be in for a rude awakening. They won't cut him any slack - and so Hogan really has no way out. Hogan has the most difficult CONUNDRUM to contend with.

    If Hogan remains silent - in the end he will be ridiculed by fellow Republicans as being a hypocrite - and - he will be chastised by Democrats as being a closet conservative.

    Either way - it is a no-win scenario here in Maryland.

  39. It is very disappointing to say the least, when our Governor dis-respects the voters of our state. The voters clearly, by a large majority voted for Trump.

    If the voters took the same attitude as Hogan, then many would have not voted for him, or wrote someone else in, since they supported his opponent in the primary.

    Secondly, it is also very disappointing, as has been previously alluded to in the aforementioned comments, that Gov. Hogan is not vigorously supporting the Second Amendment. There are many things he could be doing to show strong support in this area, but is not.

    His comments and actions have led me to cancel attendance to his fund raiser, and in addition, this voter will be holding back support until it can be determined if he is truly sincere in his most recent announcements and passive 2nd amendment behavior, which by the way, in my opinion demonstrates a lack of courageous leadership!

  40. I bet he still pulls the lever for Trump when nobody is looking.

  41. Not voting for Trump will get the HildaBeast elected. With that comes at least four more years of the same crap that has been taking this country down for the last (almost) eight!

    You've done wonderful things for the state - how about what's best for the country too!

  42. To the person congratulating Hogan claiming that it's about Country First. Are you serious? Do you think Clinton puts America First? The only way your nonsensical rhetoric sounds even remotely half-baked is if you've been in a coma since 1988. Trump is the only candidate that's proven time and again in his PERSONAL life that he's for Americans first. Hogan's denouncement makes HOGAN look unAmerican. People really need to wake the hell up before this country is completely destroyed.


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