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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Gov. Hogan: I Won't Vote For Trump

Maryland's Republican Gov. Larry Hogan says he won't vote for Donald Trump in November.

The Wednesday declaration was the first time the Trump critic said he won't be casting his ballot for the party's presumptive nominee, the Washington Post reports.

"No, I don’t plan to," the popular governor, elected in 2014, replied to a question about whether he'd cast a vote for the real estate mogul on Election Day, the Post reports.

"I guess when I get behind the curtain I’ll have to figure it out. Maybe write someone in. I’m not sure."



  1. The headline is misleading: he says he is not planning on voting for Trump, nor is he planning on voting for Clinton. He says he'll decide what to do when he pulls the curtain. Big difference in not planning and planning not to.

  2. I'm liking Hogan better every day.

  3. I still like this governor, but I don't believe he is making the right decision in this matter.

  4. Im glad he has a brain to think for himself and is not just parroting the old guard republicans or the hard-core Trumpers. Most other politicians would fall into one of the above categories, which to me is not a sign of true leadership. Like Hillary "must unify the party even if you hate me" Clinton. This is not a normal election and I would love to see her strategy blow up in her face.

  5. I was not a Trump supporter and really do not care for him now. However, the show is over and he is the republican nominee. If you are a conservative then it is time to support the party or shut the hell up. If you do not want to vote that is your choice, but lets not use your position to influence others. Kind of tired of the "I can never vote for Trump" BS. Just looking at Hillary should scare even a liberal to vote Trump.

  6. Dave T: He's very vocal about what he doesn't like and silent when it comes to the issues that matter more. I think our freedom is more important than who he plans to vote for. The good governor stands mute when it comes to protecting our second amendment at a time when terrorists and illegal immigrants are pouring into this country on a daily basis. This to me, shows his priorities are very mixed up. Also very sad to see the Republicans are spending more time attacking their own candidate than they are the opposition. This is starting to look like the anatomy of failure in my book. And once again the GOP is useless in fighting the opposition.

  7. well i guess i won't vote for Hogan again either.

  8. I agree with 2:01. A vote for anyone besides Trump is a vote for Hillary.

  9. 2:50 So you will vote for a Democrat? That is the same thing you are accusing Hogan of doing.

  10. The governor has ethics and convictions. This is why he got elected the first time and he could get elected again.

  11. I'm done w/Hogan. Little Larry pandering to political correctness. What a weak pathetic soul he's turned out to be. It's between clinton and Donald Trump and if he hasn't figured out then he's a fool. Clinton is EVERYTHING the GOP is not.

  12. Y'all better get with the program Trump 2016 to turn this country around if you don't believe that's going to happen then crawl back under your rock. Find a safe place. Because obviously you like it here and communist Maryland. by the way it still is regardless of who the governor is!! I'm a registered independent and he may have just lost my vote next wlection. I can asure you i certainly won't vote for a Democrat. I usually hold my nose and pull a lever anyway since most of these idiots are useless and incompetent.

  13. 1:04, not true. He came out and said he will NOT vote for Trump. PERIOD...I called his office and registered my disappointment...

  14. Wow. His hair grew back in really well.

  15. Done with hogan as well. After omally it's easy to go up. But now his true colors are coming out. Just like any other rino.

  16. You don't win the governorship of this state from Republicans alone, impossible. Still better than another democratic governor.
    Hogan is a more better politician that Trump.

  17. Boy the Democrats are all over this.

  18. Hogan will lose some votes over this one.

    And now you wonder why Larry Hogan and Bob Culver were not at the Air Port to greet Trump?

  19. Isn't his wife a immigrant? If so, it's no wonder trump is not his favorite.

  20. 3:02
    Trump is NOT against immigration! He is against ILLEGAL immigration. Trumps wife is a LEGAL immigrant and so is Hogan's.

  21. In other words he is voting for Hilary. A write in vote in just a throw away vote for Hilary. I guess he has been there long enough he is getting like the rest of them.

  22. Didn't vote for him last time. Now I know I made the right decision. Just because he runs as a Republican doesn't mean he is one. He has his eyes on bigger and better things. So he still thinks the establishment is in power. SHAME! !! I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR HIM.

  23. A rookie gov full time politician.


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