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Monday, June 13, 2016

Google Allegedly Manipulating Search Results to Help Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

Tech giant Google is allegedly manipulating its online search results to bury terms that could be damaging to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, according to an analysis conducted by SourceFed, a news website with a prominent YouTube channel.

“SourceFed has discovered that Google has been actively altering search recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, so quietly that we were unable to see it for what it was until today,” SourceFed’s Matt Lieberman said in a new video posted online Thursday.

Lieberman explained how, for example, if someone types “Hillary Clinton cri” into Google, the site’s auto-complete function, which provides the user search term suggestions while typing into the search bar, shows three potential searches: “Hillary Clinton crime reform,” “Hillary Clinton crisis,” and “Hillary Clinton crime bill 1994.” But when someone types “Hillary Clinton cri” into Yahoo’s search engine, the first search suggestion to appear is “Hillary Clinton criminal charges,” followed by “Hillary Clinton crimes” and “Hillary Clinton criminal.”

“There’s clearly something wrong here, right?” Lieberman asked. “It’s like if you put three people into a room that’s on fire and two out of three people yell ‘fire’ and the third person yells, ‘I’m in a room.’”



  1. Manipulating search engines was a tactic used in the show House of Cards...life imitating art?

  2. 3:21 NO silly rabbit, tricks are for kids... It is art imitating life, the Illuminati or the people in charge, call them what you will, will tell you their plans and what they are doing in movies and tv shows... IF they reveal anything to you, they already have been doing it for years and are no longer afraid of someone finding out...

  3. Been going on for years. Try searching "Crooked Hillary"

  4. People are being banned on Facebook for supporting Trump. They speak about immigration and deportation without cursing,threatening, racial slurs, etc. God forbid they speak of Islam or gays. An American company silencing Americans right to free speech, thought and expression. Time for some class action lawsuits!

  5. Yahoo limits what you can post about Hillary.


  6. Remember 'Back in the Day' when Google's slogan was "Don't Be Evil"?

    Guess they put that down the memory hole, too!


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