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Friday, June 24, 2016

Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton is 'a terrible liar, and she'd be a terrible president'

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday previewed a speech he’ll be making about likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton later in the day, saying she’s a “terrible liar” and calling the Clinton Foundation a “disgusting situation.”

“I mean, she has done a terrible job,” Mr. Trump said on Fox Business Network. “She’s a known liar — you look at what she’s said about email servers, and her landings under fire, if you remember the famous landing under fire.”

That’s a reference to Mrs. Clinton’s recounting how she landed in Bosnia during a trip as first lady “under sniper fire” — a claim she later recanted.

“Under fire [with] young girls handing her flowers,” he said. “I mean, she made it up.”

“She lies. She’s a terrible liar, and she’d be a terrible president,” Mr. Trump said. “It would be more of Barack Obama — probably worse — and she’d be a terrible president.”


1 comment:

  1. the Donald says Hillary is a "terrible liar" and would make a "terrible president." Does that mean The Donald is a "good liar" and would make a "good president?"


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