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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Did You Know The Wicomico County Council Is Bringing Triple Dipping Ed Baker Back?


  1. What's Bobby C's opinion on this?

  2. This council gets dumber every day. This is on CANNON. He loves the double dippers. The rest of them can't blink without Cannon telling them to do so. Lame, lame, lame bunch.

  3. First, why does the Council need its own attorney - AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE! I'm sick of them. They question things that make sense and then up their own budget 37%. If they were doing an outstanding job, maybe they would be worth it, but they aren't.

    Second, BAKER - REALLY?! My guess is they hired him because he tells them what they want to hear, not what reality is!

    Losers love losers!

  4. I just spit out my coffee when I read this. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

    The Council has reached a new level of stupidity at the expense of the taxpayers. With the sweet deal Baker got, he should be working for free for getting such a big retirement!

  5. I've donated to campaigns of some of those on council. NEVER again. In fact, I will support whoever runs against them. Anyone would be better than this bunch. Cannon you are one arrogant, entitled jerk for leading the council in this gross waste of money.

  6. The Council really showed just how little they care about the taxpayers. THEY are more important. What do they need Baker for? To fight Culver? Creamer has needed to retire AGAIN for years and now this! You all should hang your heads in shame.

  7. D I S G U S T I N G!

  8. No surprise at all. The Council can't find its way out of a paper bag without Creamer or Baker. Proves how incompetent and bought into the system they truly are.

  9. What do you expect from the losers on the council? Culver reduces his staff and the Council grows theirs. Buckle your seat belts - they are up to something.

  10. Culver shouldn't have included their budget increase request in his budget. They are no friend of his. Mark my words, they've done this to cause more trouble.


  11. Joe Holloway, I appreciate you and what you stand for, the taxpaying voters. I don't know how you cope with the likes of people that work against you for years.
    Reminds me of Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen when working for the citizens of Salisbury for so long putting up with some awful reps seated beside them.
    Hard to believe voters allow such representatives.
    As Mr.Trump calls it...corruption.

  12. Good ole boy friends don't never go away just wait for opportunities to arise.

  13. Quid pro quo for the magical alcohol loophole nobody could find for decades?


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