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Friday, June 24, 2016

Democrat Lawmaker Says Congress Deserves Protection, But Not Citizens

In an interview about gun control, New York Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel said most law abiding citizens just shouldn’t have guns.

Rangel was interviewed by the Daily Caller Tuesday evening. The reporter was asking him about concealed carry permits:

“Getting a NYC concealed carry permit is so rare – the only people who tend to get it are the very connected, the very wealthy, or if you happen to know the right guy in NYPD…”
Rangel responded, “I’m glad to hear you say that very few people get it… we don’t need that many guns.”

The reporter pressed him further. “But why can celebrities… A number of people in your district are law abiding citizens…. Many of them want to have concealed carry… Why should the uber-wealthy have protection, but individuals who are law-abiding citizens should not?”



  1. Gotta laugh at these self centered morons and people are stupid enough to believe what they say.

  2. He is just another a$$!

  3. Gotta say, this is the only thing I recall him saying that is true.
    He does need protection I'm sure.
    But don't we all.

  4. The lives of "we, the people" mean NOTHING to these slimy worms.
    YOU are a statistic, they are masters. We wouldn't be able to function as a society without the guidance and wisdom of men who have driven us 20 TRILLION dollars in debt.
    You can bet they need protection. LOTS of it.
    And it STILL won't save them from the wrath of the people.
    Keep cheering.

  5. That is his same belief on paying taxes and he doesn't pay either

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 24, 2016 at 3:42 PM

    I said it before and I say again. If Charlie Rangel and his pal "Crooked Reverend" Al Sharpton PAY THEIR TAXES THEY OWE, then every citizen of Harlem NY would be driving New Caddilac!!! But, Hey, they know what's best for all of us, Riiight.


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