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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Decay of British National Health System Is Powerful Warning to US Citizens

Collectivists in the Unites States often point to the National Health Service (NHS) of England as the proverbial shining city on a hill, the Alpha and Omega of political medical systems that shows how socialism can help everyone. But two new stories, and a little known fact about the UK's NHS, reveal why socialized medicine isn't just dangerous - it inevitably leads to economic, medical, and moral collapse.

Created in the late 1940s, the government-run, tax-funded, NHS is now 2.5 billion Pounds in the red. It is so bankrupt that, on May 20, the BBC reported that NHS will cut back on payments and curtail care even more than it already does. According to Chris Hopkins, Chief Executive of NHS Providers, 90% of hospitals are in deficit, and the system is unsustainable.

The NHS already forces long waits on people with life-threatening maladies. As the BBC’s Nick Triggle writes:

“The NHS in England is already missing a series of key waiting time targets, including in A&E (Accident and Emergency), cancer care and the ambulance service.”

These frightening problems have come to light on top of the well-known, glacial-length waiting periods for simple hip and knee surgeries, and the problems continue to mount.

On May 22, The UK Express revealed that a breakthrough drug to combat lung cancer will be withheld from NHS patients because the system simply cannot afford it.



  1. Decay of the health system? Decay of the world.

  2. Bet your LIFE that there are some mega billionaires in their insurance industry.
    The people?
    Because they care so much and need to improve "efficiency" and "levels of care".
    The British people didn't want it, the British POLITICIANS did.

    The bribes were too good to ignore.
    Just like here.

    Keep cheering.


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