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Monday, June 27, 2016

Darrell Issa: There Is Enough Evidence to Indict Hillary

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Republican California Rep. Darrell Issa said that there is enough evidence to indict Hillary Clinton for mishandling national security information on her private email server.

“There is more than enough for an indictment,” Issa, the former House Oversight Committee chairman, told Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius/XM Patriot Channel 125. Issa explained:

The statute about classified material holds you responsible not to transmit in an unsecured environment or to a person not cleared. It holds you accountable not to do that. Not based on whether there’s the word ‘Secret’ all over it, but based on the presumption that you would recognize that classified material. She transmitted things like — I don’t want to disclose anything — like a mayor in Afghanistan who was working with us, and if that material becomes available to the wrong people, she gets killed. You don’t have to ask whether that’s classified. As an army lieutenant years ago, I knew that would be classified because it goes to sources and methods.

Breitbart News exclusively reported that Clinton posted and shared the names of CIA-protected American intelligence sources in foreign countries on her non-secure server, which was repeatedly breached by Russia-linked hack attempts and suffered a security vulnerability in East Asia. Sources report that the Russian government intercepted and plans to release some of Clinton’s private emails, which convicted hacker Guccifer also claims to have obtained.

Issa said:


  1. Then why hasn't she? We all know she will rig the votes to keep Trump from winning. If she wins I will never vote again. I am a female and Hate her. map

  2. If Loretta Lynch keeps her from going to jail, Loretta Lynch needs to go to jail.

  3. She's protected. An indictment will never happen.

  4. The PTB will keep this indictment in the bag for later use if necessary. Since they have it, it will not be necessary.

    All POTUS are compromised. Otherwise, they could not become POTUS. The elites have dirt on all of the important politicians. That is how they get them to do what they want.

    It really is simple. Hillary is totally compromised.
    That is exactly why she will be the next POTUS.

  5. If anybody keeps her from going to jail, they all need to lose their positions and go to jail themselves. She is guilty, all of society knows she is guilty, yet she still gets away with all her wrong doing (well she thinks she's getting away with it - I wouldn't want to be in her place when judgement day comes).

  6. just more nonsense. If she was guilty of any of these so called criminal offenses over the decades that she has been accused of them by Our Republican Party she would have already been indicted and in jail. We have a lot of Republican shepard boys and girls continuing to cry wolf. Nobody but the village dunce should be paying attention.

  7. Yeah, 805, but the problem is there IS a wolf, and all the wolf criers are cheering for the wolf.

  8. The Dems have put people in place to protect them and it has been obvious all along. Hillary admitted early on that she knew the difference between what was classified or not classified whether it was marked or not. So when classified e-mails were exposed, she then changed her wording to "no marked classified e-mails."
    She's not stupid. She's an attorney. And she's a LIAR!!!

  9. Let's get to it!


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