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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Cops: Residents beat home intruder with his own bat

NORTH PORT, Fla. -- A home invasion went bad for a Florida man when one of the victims grabbed him in a bear hug and the victim's wife beat him with his own weapon, reports CBS affiliate WTSP.

Noah Dassat, 33, of Santa Cruz, Calif., has been arrested on four felony charges and one misdemeanor for armed burglary, battery, and criminal mischief.

The suspect allegedly stopped at a home on Thursday in North Port, Florida and asked for someone named "Josh," saying he was owed some money. The homeowner said he had the wrong address. The victims told police that he then broke down the door and attacked the occupants -- including three children -- with a bat, according to North Port police.

After being hit, a male resident wrestled the suspect and put him in a bear hug. The resident's wife then grabbed the bat and struck him on the head several times



  1. Good for them!! Protection

  2. Don't ever break into a redneck's home.It rarely ends well.

  3. Sweet, nice job!

  4. They let him live. He is lucky.

  5. Too bad they didn't finish the job.

  6. Good for them, glad to hear this. He needed to be beat with his own stupid bat.

  7. I think we need a 7 day waiting period to purchase bats. They are inherently dangerous and by falling into the wrong hands could be used for evil.

  8. Glad to hear that the homeowners beat the crap out of the intruder.

  9. I doubt anyone knew was there.
    They didn't just capture that punk?
    IMAGINE the fun they could have had eliminating one more loser from the planet.
    Everyone should have a couple of rolls of duct tape in their house.
    Ya never know when you might get lucky and have one of these dregs to a home invasion.
    In Maryland, you would have to run to your gun safe, unlock it, pull out a gun, load it, and hope the guy lingers in the living room while you get ready to defend your family.
    That is how our leaders want it. The worst part?
    You'll continue to vote for them, over and over, while they screw you. Over and over.
    Keep cheering!!


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