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Monday, June 27, 2016

CNN Botches Proven Fact About Clinton Foundation Donations

CNN investigative correspondent Drew Griffin narrated a segment Fridaydetailing various donations the Clinton Foundation had accepted from foreign governments prior to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, but he completely botched the repeatedly proven fact that the Clinton Foundation has failed to reveal the identities of over 1,000 foreign donors.

The Lead host Jake Tapper highlighted a shocking Associated Press report that revealed that Hillary Clinton held more than 75 meetings with foreign Clinton Foundation donors that were wiped from then-Secretary Clinton’s official State Department schedule. Tapper linked the new revelations about Clinton and her family foundation to questions currently being raised by Donald Trump concerning the aforementioned donations.

Part of Griffin’s report features Trump saying in a speech earlier this week that “Maybe the motivation lies among the 1,000 foreign donations Hillary failed to disclose while at the State Department.”

Griffin then falsely asserts that “There’s no evidence that is accurate.”

But in fact, last April, the Washington Post and Bloomberg News both reported that 1,100 hidden Clinton Foundation foreign donors were “bundled” into a $25 million donation from Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership.



  1. They are paid to do that.

  2. You mean the Clinton news network?

  3. Tapper is intelligence.

    He didn't forget anything he was told to say.


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