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Tuesday, June 07, 2016


Bill and Hillary made millions while students racked up debt

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s attack on Donald Trump over Trump University could invite increased scrutiny of the Clintons’ involvement in a for-profit education scandal in which a company that runs shell colleges paid Bill Clinton $16.5 million to be its pitchman.

While the Clintons were collecting millions, Hillary Clinton’s State Department funneled at least $55 million to a group run by the college company, Laureate Education Inc., according to Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash” as Breitbart reported.

Clinton abruptly resigned from his post as “honorary chancellor” in April 2015 when the disclosure was publicized.

Documents uncovered by Washington-based watchdog Judicial Watch show Laureate Education paid the former president through a “shell corporation” pass-through account that evidently passed State Department scrutiny while Hillary was secretary of state.

Further, in a story showing how for-profit colleges encourage huge student debt, Forbes found the biggest borrower on the for-profit college list is Laureate Education’s Walden University, whose grad students borrowed $756 million in 2014.

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  1. Typical Trump, blame someone else. Got news for you, the Clintons are not suing Trump or litigating the case.

  2. The Clintons are both skanks, and I don't mean hip dancers, although they do dance around topics with an apparently great amount of ease.

  3. They both have no scruples, at least what we would call scruples. Look for this to continue in the Hillary administration, i.e., cut and run when the going gets tough.

  4. How does a for-profit university qualify for State Department funding to the tune of $55 million? Or any money at all from this department?

  5. If the IRS ever grew a set they would perform a "Forensic Audit" on the Clintons and their Foundation. Then the people would know the true facts on the Clinton corruption. They are worse than the "Mob" ever was.


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