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Friday, June 24, 2016

British Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned


  1. Awesome!!! the globalists are under attack they are petrified. Donald Trump is our hope to pull this country from the evil death grip of the new world order globalists. Who with " home grown militant,foriegn agitators"have sold this country out and are poised to destroy it if they are not stopped. In fact it may be too late already. It's sickening that we have allowed deviant moral Twisted ideology to rule and allow its evil to ascend to the highest offices. Hillary and Obama are part of this group. They give homosexuals a bad name.

  2. hasta la vista davey! the brits finally woke up and took their country back from the global elites!
    Amerika next! vote trump!.

  3. Take note democrats!

  4. We will see how happy you are after the markets open.

  5. Wow the muslims have won this fight , we are almost there.
    He said "multiracial " , I don't believe we as a country can be that multiracial , we must exclude muslims .

  6. NO they are getting out while the getting is still good... Like holder did... Do you remember Eric holder? of course not because he retired or resigns months ago so he wouldn't be in trouble with the law for what he had done... Same thing with Cameron... And for the simple fact that you all are to dumb to remember anything...

  7. Don't you love when someone calls all of us "dumb" while not knowing the difference in the words to and too. Just stop!

  8. They got out of the EU AND David Cameron resigned. That's a win-win.

  9. "Anonymous said...

    We will see how happy you are after the markets open.

    June 24, 2016 at 7:19 AM"

    Financially I depend heavily (almost exclusively unless I want to sell off real estate) on the markets and if they tank for a time being, so be it. I'd be happy to eat grass if it means getting this country (and our close allies) back on the right path.

  10. 8:29 i agree. People have become so comfortable they are afraid of the growing pains that are inevitable when greatness is the ultimate goal.

  11. 7:19 The markets go up and down all the time. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

  12. Best news ever! Travel to Europe is going to be a whole lot cheaper now!

  13. Muslims aren't a race! 7:22 A.M. get an education!


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