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Saturday, June 04, 2016

Berlin vandals facing probation violations

Both Nicholas Bonser and Jordan Denton may be drug tested following graffiti spree 

The Worcester County State’s Attorney’s office is calling both Jordan Denton, 18, of Ocean City and Nicholas Bonser, 18, of Ocean Pines, back to District Court to answer for possible parole violations stemming from a Jan. 25 vandalism spree that caused more than $11,000 in damages.

District Court Judge Gerald Purnell approved State’s Attorney Paul Haskell’s request to review the pair’s parole based on three suspected failures and one modification request.

Haskell filed a “show cause order” in late April, asking the judge to find that the accused have failed to abide by the conditions of the conditions of their parole.

Bonser and Denton are accused in court documents of failure to complete their community service hours, failure to pay restitution and failure to obey laws, including use of controlled substances. The order also seeks to change the terms of the remainder of their parole, about one year, to include drug testing.



  1. Serious mentoring is definitely needed here or this kids will become eventual stats.

  2. Jordan is cute!


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