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Monday, June 06, 2016

Baltimore City Council To Consider Sweet Drink Warning Label Bill

On Tuesday, the Baltimore City Council's Health Committee holds a hearing on a bill that would require health warning labels be placed on sugar sweetened beverages sold in the city.

The bill would also require labels on restaurant menus, advertisements and in stores that sell these products.

Robi Rawl, executive director of Sugar Free Kids Maryland, says the labels would be similar to those on cigarette packets.



  1. soda should Not be in schools.

  2. If soda are such a horrible thing and they don't allow them in schools and they want to put label warnings on them all......why can they be bought with food stamps?l Why hasn't Michelle Obama gone after what can and can't be bought with food stamps?

  3. Soda machines should not need to be caged

  4. A person should be able to drink what they want.

  5. If they have to put a cage around the soda machine, clearly that machine does not belong in that school.


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