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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Are You Paying Attention


  1. I have never missed voting in an election, and it amazes me the vast number of people who are very opinionated on the issues don't bother to vote because "one vote won't matter either way". If only those vast numbers ever voted....

  2. If they voted last year Romney would be president and this nutcase would not be contender today. She is one scary woman!


  3. The message is accurate.

    NO candidate is ever 'perfect' but those who sat out in 2012 truly did pave the way for this trainwreck.

    Trump wasn't my first choice, but going back before 2008 Hillary was never any choice. We have had other more qualified and principled women who tested the waters but didn't prevail so it's not a gender issue with me.

    There is a quote from one of the Founders to the effect that all that's needed for evil to prevail is for good folks to do nothing. An 'informed' citizen who fails to vote this fall is just a Clinton co-conspirator when all is said and done. Don't be that person!

  4. They are too stupid to pay attention.Don't fool yourself.

  5. What say you, Gov. Hogan???

  6. 7:46 With Romney the only thing different would be the speed at which the elitists are taking this country to Hell. At least this time we have a REAL choice. I will vote with strong conviction this time. Trump is not perfect but at least he's not a NWO stooge like Romney. And God help us if the beast gets in.

  7. Some of you actually believe the POTUS makes decisions.


    They have bosses you know, just like the rest of us.
    Her bosses are foreign bankers.

  8. Soooo much truth in this statement. If you don't get out to vote please keep your opinions to yourself, as you voted for an idiot such as this one.
    Years ago a dear older man started complaining about the problems of the time. I stopped him and asked his if he went out to vote. His response was, "No". I then told him I felt he was part of the problem. If you don't vote your voice is not heard.
    Of course the other thing that needs to happen is to get rid of the electoral voting method. The people vote and their voice needs to be heard through the popular vote.


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